
01/31/2024 - Podcast on Heritage, Prestige and Its Influence on Business and Fundraising

February 5, 2024

12pm ET

Watch on YouTube or view the Replay Later – to be posted on this media site


Lady Violet Manners
Prince Charles Henri Lobkowicz
Princess Diana de Cadaval,
Richard Earl of Tyrone
Laurent Feniou CEO of Cartier
Alejandro Tagliavini
Richard Bonugli, CEO and Founder of Cedargold

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01/31/2024 - The Vision Series – Dr. Titus Gebel and Charles Hugh Smith on the Opportunities and Benefits of International Cities and Special Administrative Zones

Download the Podcast in Mp3

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01/24/2024 - The Four Principles of Market Environmentalism – How the Principles Can Be Used Toward Sustainable Investing

Market Environmentalism Webinar by The Cedar Portfolio

The Four Principles of Market Environmentalism emphasize property rights, voluntary exchange, competition, and entrepreneurship as key pillars for environmental conservation.

Applying these principles to sustainable investing involves supporting businesses that respect private property rights by minimizing negative environmental impacts, promoting voluntary exchange of eco-friendly goods, fostering competition to drive innovation for greener technologies, and investing in entrepreneurial endeavours focused on sustainable solutions.

By aligning investments with these principles, one can encourage the growth of environmentally conscious industries while seeking financial returns in a way that benefits both the economy and the planet.

Educational Webinar by The Cedar Portfolio presented by Founder Richard Bonugli

Link Here to the Replay of the Webinar on Interactive Brokers or click on the below and register directly to watch:

Link Here to Download the Presentation

For more information contact The Cedar Portfolio

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01/17/2024 - The Roundtable Insight – Peter Boockvar and Yra Harris on Fed Policy, Gold, Inflation and Global Markets

Download the Podcast

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01/10/2024 - The Roundtable Insight – Dr. Marc Faber and Yra Harris on Gold, U.S. Debt, Geopolitics and Emerging Markets

Download the Podcast

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12/27/2023 - McKinsey Study – Royalty Streaming Companies versus Mining Companies Returns

Streaming companies have consistently outperformed their mining counterparts in the past decade.

Link Here to the Source Article

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12/22/2023 - Louis-Vincent Gave: «The Fed Will Cut Interest Rates for Political Reasons»

“If you draw a line that goes from Istanbul to Jakarta, you are linking 3.6 billion people, not including China, in an area with 1% population growth and 5% income growth. To me, the most exciting story of the next five to ten years is the economic integration of the Eurasian continent, the growth in infrastructure spending, and the growth of trade between emerging markets. It’s my belief that a lot of these countries will follow China’s path. Perhaps not at the same pace, but it is happening.”

Link Here to the Interview on The

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12/08/2023 - Felix Zulauf Market Outlook

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12/08/2023 - The Roundtable Insight – Tom Lam on the Global Economy, Europe and Central Bank Policy Trends

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12/08/2023 - Louis-Vincent Gave Market Outlook

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12/04/2023 - Dr. Marc Faber – Playbook for Navigating a 1970s-Like Market (Full Interview)

Link here to the Interview and Transcript

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12/04/2023 - Dr. Anas Alhajji – Back To Earth: Reality of the Energy Transition

  1. Data indicates that future demand for oil and gas is UNDERESTIMATED, while demand destruction is HYPED.
  2. Global energy demand is increasing, making decarbonization more difficult to achieve, and the process of replacing fossil fuels slower.
  3. Despite massive spending on renewables in the last two decades, fossil fuels remain the dominant source of energy in the world, even in Europe.
  4. Coal remains the dominant source of electricity in India and China.
  5. Oil is rarely used in power generation in the OECD, China, and India. Doubling or tripling solar and wind energy sources will have a very limited impact on oil demand.  However, the failure of renewable energy, and consequent power shortages, will have a significant impact on oil demand.
  6. As LNG prices reached a record high in 2022, oil use in power generation increased.  The level of substitution among various energy sources last year was unprecedented.

Link Here to the Free Substack Article

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12/01/2023 - The Roundtable Insight – Charles Hugh Smith on the Opportunities in Living Overseas

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11/30/2023 - The Roundtable Insight – Tom Luongo and Yra Harris on Gold, Bonds and Geopolitical Risks

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11/12/2023 - Dr. Marc Faber – Headed for a Breakdown, Disappointing Market Returns

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11/10/2023 - WTFinance with Dr. Marc Faber

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11/10/2023 - The Roundtable Insight – Judd Hirschberg Analyzes the Financial Markets Update

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11/09/2023 - The Roundtable Insight – Luke Gromen and Yra Harris on the Oil, USD and Treasuries Interplay Dynamic

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11/09/2023 - Chris Wood Bullish Long Term on India

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11/09/2023 - The Roundtable Insight – Marc Chandler and Yra Harris on the Economy and the Financial Markets

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