08/28/2024 - The Roundtable Insight – Rabobank’s Michael Every and Industry Veteran Yra Harris on Geopolitical Risks

08/19/2024 - The Roundtable Insight – Tom Luongo and Yra Harris on Geo-Political Risks, Gold and Currencies

08/12/2024 - The Roundtable Insight – Bill Fleckenstein and Yra Harris on the Markets and Gold, Precious Metals

08/09/2024 - The Roundtable Insight – Charles Hugh Smith on Financial Repression and The Great Unwinding

Download the Presentation in MP3
07/22/2024 - The Roundtable Insight – Daniel Lacalle and Yra Harris on Gold, Geo-Political Risks and the Global Economy

06/25/2024 - The Roundtable Insight – Charles Hugh Smith on Geo-Political Risks and the Economy

06/12/2024 - The Roundtable Insight – Judd Hirschberg Updates with Technical Analysis of the Financial Markets

Subscribe here and view the Geo-Political Risk Table:
06/06/2024 - Geo-Political Risk Table

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06/03/2024 - The Roundtable Insight – Adam Rozencwajg and Yra Harris on Commodities and Geo-Political Risks

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Lots of discussion in this podcast about geo-political risks to the investor. Check out CedarOwl’s Risk Table for more info on geo-political risks to the investor.
CedarOwl Risk Table – Now Available
CedarOwl is making available its Risk Table – see link at the bottom of the page. The Risk Table is a continually-updated spreadsheet matrix which identifies and assesses existing as well as new risks stemming from risks associated with trends and events happening jurisdictionally around the world. These include but are not limited to government or fiscal policies, central bank policies, and regulatory environment changes.
LINK HERE TO CEDAROWL’S RISK TABLE (refresh the screen for updates)
Types of events include, but are not limited to:
- nationalization of businesses or properties by a country;
- expropriations or freezing of assets;
- impositions of new regulations on certain industries;
- commodity export bans;
- changes in rules on registered accounts like 401k plans, RSPs, Superannuation;
- regional conflicts or wars affecting economies and markets.
The matrix table also has CedarOwl‘s risk mitigation strategies which help CedarOwl with its investment process.
05/23/2024 - Commodity Culture – Commodities Have ‘Never, Ever’ Been More Undervalued Than Today: Leigh Goehring

05/23/2024 - CedarOwl – The Great Taking: How Could It Happen & What Can We Do to Slow The Momentum of Becoming At-Risk?
05/17/2024 - The Roundtable Insight Vision Series – Charles Hugh Smith on Gold and What Currency Systems Make Sense

05/16/2024 - The Roundtable Insight – Sam Perry, Tobias Harris and Yra Harris on Japan at the Crossroads

05/03/2024 - Adam Rozencwajg on The Impact of New Copper Technologies

“Nearly all copper demand growth came from the non-OECD world … Given its population of 275 mm, even if it takes another 15 years, assuming 5% economic growth, we expect Indonesia will consume over 1 mm tonnes annually – five times the current rate .. ”
04/25/2024 - CedarOwl – How We are Investing in Artificial Intelligence (AI) – “Picks and Shovels”
04/22/2024 - FamilyOffice Podcast with Leon Cooperman

04/22/2024 - CedarOwl – Full Special Report on Dr. Marc Faber

Link here to the Full Report on Dr. Marc Faber for free
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04/18/2024 - Get to Know the CedarOwl

Check out our latest posting – Get to Know the CedarOwl … .. learn about how and why we take an approach based on the Principles of the Austrian School of Economics .. also learn the 4 Principles of Market Environmentalism – what these principles are and how they can be used to identify Positive Ideas to help the environment that make not only environmental sense but also financial sense and economic sense! .. also be sure to read the latest views and thoughts of one of our top 10 Most Admired Advisors (MAA) – Dr. Marc Faber – posting will be published tomorrow Friday Apr 19 at 3pm ET and be available fully free to all subscribers!
04/17/2024 - Louis-Vincent Gave and David Hay on the Coming Rebound of Inflation and Market Implications

04/17/2024 - CedarOwl – Russell Napier. Twenty One Lessons from Financial History for the Way We Live Now.

April 15, 2024
This is a timeless lecture by Russell Napier. It is also applicable to the current economic and investing environment. Russell goes through twenty-one lessons from financial history. Download all the slides – link here.
- Spend as much time analyzing supply as you spend analyzing demand – the China impact.
- There is no relationship between GDP growth and the return from equities – price is what you pay and value is what you get.
- Pepper’s law – estimate how long the unsustainable can be sustained – double it and take off a month.
- ‘Never, ever think about anything else when you should be thinking about incentives’- Charlie Munger.
- Governments like markets only when they deliver the prices they want governments do suspend market prices.
- The ratio of corporate profits to GDP ratio must mean revert in a free society- one way to do this is inflation.
- In assessing the appropriateness of monetary policy assess both the price of money and the quantity of money – banks make money.
- The most dangerous form of speculation is the search for yield- ‘John Bull can stand many things but he cannot stand 2%’ Walter Bagehot.
- The real danger for investors from populism depends upon the strength of the constitution and the rule of law.
- The countries most likely to default on their debt are those that have defaulted on their debt- institutions count.
- High equity valuations fall slowly when the surprise is inflation and quickly when it is deflation – our current repression creates a slow decline.
- Never buy emerging market equities if the exchange rate is overvalued- an exchange rate policy is a monetary policy.
- Tourism is the best guide to whether an exchange rate is over-valued or under-valued always visit to Rockefeller Center at Christmas.
- Always buy equites below 10X CAPE unless the future holds – communism, war or a surrender of monetary independence with an overvalued exchange rate.
- Democracy is more suited to the operation of capital controls than the free movement of capital.
- When private savings are exhausted monetization of government debt and high inflation/hyperinflation follow – savings are not yet exhausted if conscripted.
- Technology never ultimately defeats inflation.
- Monetary systems fail about every 30 years – the rules of the old system leave a legacy of bad habits for those in a new system.
- Money is almost always in disequilibrium.
- Never trust a forecast with a decimal point-especially your own.
- Extrapolation is the opiate of the people.
- CedarOwl Commentary – Some interesting points and observations:
- Russell’s biggest theme is on the risks of financial repression – in many of the lessons he discusses in this presentation, he provides ideas to minimize these risks – jurisdictional-focused investing, diversification in asset classes, holding some gold and certain equities to preserve purchasing power, investing in jurisdictions where the rule of law and respect for property rights is strong and maintained, emphasizing equities versus bonds to minimize capital being forced to fund unsustainable reckless-spending governments.
- Thinks best to look for undervalued equities in emerging markets where currencies are not overvalued, instead of holding stagnant developed-world overvalued equities likely to go no where (or even losing purchasing power in real terms) in a manner similar to what happened to equities between 1966 to 1982.
- Sees a massive disequilibrium, a result of the monetary change in the world today – will likely result in liquidity going to emerging markets, driving emerging market currencies stronger in general. Advises to look for value-based equities in emerging markets instead of growth equities in the indebted western world.
- Observes on the variation of the famous Karl Marx quote of “Religion is the opiate of the people” that extrapolation is really the danger as the opiate of the people. Also known as recent bias. Just because the western world countries have led economic growth and enhancement in the standard of living over the past several decades since World War II – does not mean that this trend will go on forever. The western world countries are now heavily indebted, finding it increasingly difficult to even make the minimum payments on servicing their existing unsustainable government debt levels.
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