
08/10/2017 - McAlvany Podcast: Is A Cashless Society At The Doorstep? Look To Asia For The Answer

-Is a cashless society at the doorstep? – Look to Asia for the answer

-A dynamic approach to compounding the amount of ounces you own

-Dow at all-time highs…Echo of 1987, 2000 and 2008

LINK HERE to the podcast

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08/10/2017 - Dr. Marc Faber: Central Bank Interventions In The Financial Markets Have Distorted Prices

Octavian Report: “Faber has a reputation as a bear — an incorrect reputation. He has often been loudly, and correctly, bullish (he was one of the most vocal proponents of the massive buying opportunity that stretched through the spring of 2009). In this week’s episode of the Rostrum, he tackles a subject on the mind of every serious market observer. Given that we seem to have entered a truly explosive phase of an economic expansion ongoing since things bottomed out in 2009, is there still real value to be found? Faber argues there is — it might be harder to spot and it might not be as deep as it was in the aftermath of the financial crisis, but sharp-eyed investors will find intriguing opportunities in Asian markets, Eastern European markets, precious metals, and real estate. He also gives his profile of geopolitical risks — U.S.-Russia tension is a big one, and one he does not see being resolved anytime soon — with an interesting detour into his views on cryptocurrencies. Faber also outlines his thinking on the ever-renewed central bank follies that are, we think, contributing to the tear equities have been on, and gives his thoughts on one of the big questions facing investors at the moment: are we entering the age of passive management or will active management make a comeback?”

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08/04/2017 - Alan Greenspan: Interest Rates On Government Bonds At Historic Lows

Former Federal Reserve Chair Alan Greenspan shares his concerns about a bubble brewing in the bond market.

Alan Greenspan: Interest rates on government bonds have never been lower from CNBC.

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08/02/2017 - McAlvany Podcast: The Economic System Is Always Changing Faster Than The “Controllers” Can Learn

Richard Bookstaber: People Cannot be Controlled like Automatons thus Crises Repeats

About this week’s show:
-The economic system is always changing faster than the “controllers” can learn
-Fed policy and manipulations today are “so yesterday”!
-Unlike flood insurance, Financial Insurance INCREASES the likelihood of crises

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07/31/2017 - Dr. Albert Friedberg: Negative Interest Rates Have Resulted In Malinvestments; Sees Money Continuing To Flow Into Equities Globally

Negative Interest Rates Have Resulted In Malinvestments & Deflation .. Does not see the Federal Reserve increasing interest rates higher than the yield on the U.S. Treasury 10-Year Bond .. Sees money continuing to flow into equities due to their yields being higher than bonds in general .. Sees risk assets doing well globally .. likes Greek banks, Japanese equities, Brazil, U.S. Homebuilders ..

LINK HERE to the podcast


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07/31/2017 - John Mauldin: Markets, Trade, Velocity of Money, Pensions Crisis – Sees Long-End Interest Rates Going Lower

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07/31/2017 - Chris Whalen: Public Debt Is The Real Driver Behind Central Bank Action

“The indebtedness of the world, especially the public indebtedness of countries, I think is the real driver behind central bank action. The reason is the dropping interest rates has ceased to be an effective way to get economies moving .. I think people have to realize that the weight of debt, and also the posture of all the major central banks, is such that low interest rates are going to be with us for a while. And until you see a change in demand so that treasury auctions are not as successful and yields in fact have to rise to attract investors, I really don’t see that changing.”

LINK HERE to the interview

Erik Townsend Interviews Chris Whalen:

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07/13/2017 - McAlvany Podcast: Illinois, New Jersey & Kentucky Pensions Fall Billions Short

Demand For Gold Soars In India – Almost Double Last Year’s Numbers

About this week’s show:
-Where Is My Retirement? Illinois, New Jersey, & Kentucky Pensions Fall Billions Short
-China, India, & Russia Stockpiling Gold Holdings While Western Hedge Funds Reduce
– Yellen, Fischer, & Williams of The Fed […]


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07/13/2017 - Nomi Prins: Banking Landscape And Financial Regulations In The Trump Era

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07/10/2017 - Martin Armstrong Sees Big Move To Equities From Government Bonds With Government Crises In Pensions, Debt, Unfunded Liabilities and With International Capital Flows

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07/09/2017 - Dr. Marc Faber Sees The Potential Move To Extreme Socialism Or Fascism In The Western World

LINK HERE to the King World News mp3 Podcast

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07/04/2017 - Dr. Marc Faber: There Will Be Another ‘Massive’ Financial Crisis In My Lifetime

“We have a colossal credit bubble in the world. Can it expand? Yes, but it cannot expand forever. One day there will be a limit and one day there will be another huge crisis because the debt level today is higher than it was in 2007.”

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07/03/2017 - Peter Boockvar: Trump Will Perpetuate This Bubble For Political Reasons

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07/03/2017 - Martin Armstrong: The U.S. Stock Markets May Have A Correction But Are Climbing A Wall Of Worry

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06/29/2017 - Dr. Lacy Hunt: The Federal Reserve Has Undermined The Economy’s Ability To Grow

“Quantitative easing has created a lot of negatives, one of the most glaring is this liquidity which has fueled record leverage of the business balance sheet .. Quantitative easing encouraged a shift from real investment to financial investment. The Fed’s backing your play, engage in financial engineering… buyback shares, raise dividends. The business managers think they can reverse [these actions] .. It’s the investment, the real investment which grows the economy. The Fed has created very significant unintended consequences, which have undermined the US [economy’s] ability to grow and lift the standard of living.”

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06/26/2017 - Peter Boockvar: The Global Bond Market Is In A Massive Bubble

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06/25/2017 - Former Fed Advisor Danielle DiMartino Booth On Why The Fed Is Bad For America

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06/25/2017 - Dr. Marc Faber: Massive Wealth Taxation Or Asset Deflation Is Coming

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06/15/2017 - James Grant On The History Of Interest Rates & The State Of Markets

James Grant reflects on the History of Interest Rates, the State of Markets, and the Future of Finance .. About the Interview: We stop to remember a time, in which the extraordinary measures and unprecedented actions of our monetary and fiscal authorities would have seemed unimaginable. We take a hard look at money. How does this shadow of wealth find its value? How is the rate of interest determined, and what is the role of financial markets in facilitating the discovery of that value? What happened, in 2008 and what are the consequences, realized and yet to be discovered, of those very extraordinary and unprecedented actions taken by governments around the world to douse the flames of deflation? What was done in order to contain the contraction and to prevent the discovery of prices? What does the future hold in 2017, what investments does one make and where might one find opportunity in these oceans of uncertainty.

James Grant reflects on the History of Interest Rates, the State of Markets, and the Future of Finance

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06/14/2017 - McAlvany Podcast: Will The Free Market Ever Exist Again?

This week a discussion on the manipulated “free market” and if it will truly ever be free again. Central Bank “Buying” of Securities at $300 Billion Per Month!

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