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07/13/2023 - The Roundtable Insight – Katie Stockton, Peter Boockvar and Yra Harris on Converging Technical and Fundamental Analysis of the Markets
07/07/2023 - The Roundtable Insight – Rafi Farber and Yra Harris on the Economy and the Financial Markets
06/30/2023 - Larry McDonald: «Value over Growth is the Trade for the Second Half of 2023»
“Larry McDonald, creator of «The Bear Traps Report» and New York Times best-selling author, thinks inflation will remain much more stubborn than investors currently hope. He explains why he spots the best opportunities in attractively valued energy, metals and mining, and emerging markets stocks.”
06/26/2023 - U.S. Losing Its Key Export Markets
Mish Shedlock:
“United States Top 10 Exports
- [Petroleum Products] Mineral fuels including oil: US$378.6 billion (18.4% of total exports)
- Machinery including computers: $229.6 billion (11.1%)
- Electrical machinery, equipment: $197.7 billion (9.6%)
- Vehicles: $134.9 billion (6.5%)
- Aircraft, spacecraft: $102.8 billion (5%)
- Optical, technical, medical apparatus: $99.1 billion (4.8%)
- Gems, precious metals: $92.5 billion (4.5%)
- Pharmaceuticals: $83.5 billion (4%)
- Plastics, plastic articles: $83.3 billion (4%)
- Organic chemicals: $51.1 billion (2.5%)
The above list represents 2022, from United States Top 10 Exports
Biden Policy Impact
- Biden energy policies would kill #1, and curtail # 9 and #10.
- Bidens restrictions on sensitive machinery and chips will reduce #2, #3, #5, and #6 exports to China and Russia.
China itself seeks to curtail #4 and #5. What remains are gems, precious metals, and pharmaceuticals.
I am surprised grain exports are not in the top 10. But as Biden has riled China on a number of fronts, it has increasingly turned to Brazil.”
06/23/2023 - The Roundtable Insight – Doomberg, Dr. Anas Alhajji, Adam Rozencwajg and Yra Harris on the Energy Markets
06/16/2023 - Reposted – Louis-Vincent Gave and Yra Harris on China, Japan, Europe, LATAM and U.S. Markets
05/25/2023 - The Roundtable Insight – Kevin Muir and Yra Harris on “1982 in Reverse”
05/23/2023 - The Roundtable Insight – Michael Every and Yra Harris – A New World Vision
05/16/2023 - The Roundtable Insight – Sam Burns and Yra Harris on the Economy and the Financial Markets
04/30/2023 - The Roundtable Insight – Judd Hirschberg Analyzes the Financial Markets
04/26/2023 - The Roundtable Insight – Rick Rule and Yra Harris on Resource Investing and the Economy
04/25/2023 - Dr. Albert Friedberg Quarterly Update
04/25/2023 - The Roundtable Insight – David Rosenberg and Yra Harris on the Economy and the Financial Markets
04/25/2023 - Yra Harris: Why Ueda Needs To Raise Rates Or Expand Yield Curve Control
“The world’s central banks OUGHT to suggest to Ueda to raise its YCC ceiling BECAUSE THE WEAK YEN FROM THE CARRY TRADE IS CAUSING GRAVE DANGER FOR THE GLOBAL FINANCIAL SYTEM. The ongoing carry trade elevates global assets — stocks and bonds — suggesting that financial conditions are still to loose. In a previous blog post I suggested that the FED and ECB should not use the equity prices as the BAROMETER of financial conditions but look at other metrics like consumer debt and certainly the rollover of commercial real estate loans.”
04/24/2023 - Daniel Lacalle – GOLD IS MONEY. FIAT Is Credit
04/24/2023 - Zoltan Pozsar Says Commodities Are Poised for Growth
Link to Another Related Article
03/29/2023 - The Roundtable Insight – Chen Zhao and Yra Harris on the Global Economy, Geopolitical Risks and the Financial Markets
03/23/2023 - Article: Here’s Why Another Banking Crisis is Unlikely… We’ll Get Inflation Instead
“If the central banks opt to keep the system afloat – bad debts, losses and all – what we inevitably get is inflation and a gradual collapse of the currency.”
03/21/2023 - Yra Harris – How Many `Whatever It Takes’ …
“STOP DEPENDING ON EQUITY MARKETS AS THE TELL IN FINANCIAL CONDITIONS it is a methodology promoted by the purveyors of asset peddling. PAUSE AND TAKE A MEASURE OF THE FINANCIAL UNCERTAINTY INFECTING THE GLOBAL FINANCIAL SYSTEM. The political backlash you will be facing from those warning about how workers will pay the price in unemployment while the RENTIERS GET BAILED OUT. It is FIRST REPUBLIC ON THE BOIL NOW BUT WITH LESS LENDING AND HIGHER RATES ON THE HORIZON THE COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE LENDERS WILL BE NEXT. IS 25 BASIS POINTS WORTH IT? Where is your cost-benefit analysis?”