The Wolves now guard the hen house – The full ProPublica story can be found here.
Sad Tale of the New York Fed and Goldman Sachs Has a Simple Solution09-27-14 TheDailyBellCorporate largeness inevitably generates government partnerships. This means that modern Western societies are mercantilist – run by a handful of individuals who circulate between the top posts of government and the leadership of private-sector multinationals. Within this context it is not surprising to find that the New York Fed is an ineffective regulator of the financial powerhouse Goldman Sachs. The process is called “regulatory capture”.
- Monopoly central banking concentrates decisions on the value and volume of money in the hands of a few.
- Corporate personhood allows individuals running large companies to avoid responsibility for their actions.
- I suppose I should add a third element into the mix … patent law and copyright
The Secret Goldman Sachs Tapes 09-26-14 Michael Lewis Bloomberg
And for those who are time-constrained, and would rather just read the Cliff Notes (the ending should be known to everyone by now), here is Michael Lewis with an op-ed in Bloomberg summarizing the banker-controlled farce the entire US system has devolved to: “The Secret Goldman Sachs Tapes”