
06/13/2015 - The Lessons on Capital Controls from Argentina

Sovereign Man explains how Argentina’s government is bankrupt & has been implementing countless sets of controls including exchange price controls, media controls, exchange controls & capital controls [financial repression] .. “When governments find themselves in financial trouble because of the stupid decisions that they’ve made, their first response is to award themselves even more power to make even stupider decisions. And among the stupidest decisions that any government can make is imposing capital controls .. something that Argentina has in abundance.” .. these capital controls include prohibitions to leave the country with more than U.S.$10,000 in cash & significant paperwork & bureaucracy to wire funds out of the country .. also there is a 30% difference in the official exchange rate with the market exchange rate so that your wired funds leaving the country are effectively 30% less than you think .. “What happens with capital controls: you see a rapid decline in your standard of living as the government traps your savings in a bankrupt system .. It’s like lying on the ground with a blindfold on while the government builds a coffin all around you .. Little by little they fasten together all the sides, and then the top, nail by nail. Capital controls are like a coffin for your savings.”

LINK HERE to the Article

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06/13/2015 - The European Union is Rushing Legislation on Bank Bailins

Michael Snyder highlights what is happening in the European Union – they are rushing legislation (financial repression) for all European Union countries & threatening that if a country does not enact “bailin” legislation within the next 2 months, it will face legal action .. what is a bailin? – it’s when creditors like bank depositors or shareholders lose something to help bail out a bank, instead of the government bailing out the bank .. why 2 months? – because you have Greece ready to default & it could send contagion effects all across Europe .. “Greece will only be just the beginning. In the end, I expect major banks to fail all over Europe as we head into the greatest financial crisis that Europe has ever seen. Bank account holders all over the continent could end up having to take ‘haircuts’, and that would just make the coming deflationary cycle in Europe a lot worse. And I actually expect events in Europe to start accelerating greatly by the end of this calendar year. Apparently the top dogs in the European Union are also concerned about the immediate future, because they are rushing to get ‘bail-in’ legislation passed in every nation in the EU by the end of the summer.”

LINK HERE to the Article

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06/13/2015 - Financial Repression on Americans: Gold-Backed Currencies Available Globally Except for U.S. Residents

John Rubino highlights the recent emergence of BitGold & its purchase ofGoldMoney .. points out this is not the first service or facility of using gold as a payment system – Peter Schiff’s Euro Pacific Bank already allows non-U.S. customers to buy gold and/or silver, store it for free at Australia’s Perth Mint & then use a debit card to spend it .. Rubino: “Not so long ago the U.S. was where innovations emerged before spreading to the rest of the world. But in the realm of sound money and individual financial freedom at least, this is now Siberia. Foreign banks won’t accept American customers because they’re terrified of IRS agents showing up on their doorsteps with subpoenas. And now gold-backed payment systems that are apparently legal everywhere else are closed to Americans. So we’ll have to watch the merger of sound money and modern technology from the sidelines. Outside the U.S., however, gold-backed currency has the feel of an idea whose time has come. And to repeat an assertion made in yesterday’s piece on BitGold, widespread acceptance of these payment systems might generate a positive feedback loop that sends gold much, much higher. So their success will benefit all owners of precious metals, not just the early account-holders.” .. it’s financial repression on Americans especially.

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06/10/2015 - Jean Marie Eveillard Talks Financial Repression

Special Guest: Jean Marie Eveillard – Former Fund Manager & Legendary Investor



“One characteristic of Financial Repression is extremely low interest rates. That is what the Federal Reserve, ECB and Bank of Japan have done over the past few years in reaction to the financial crisis of 2008. They have in a sense manipulated interest rates by doing what they call Quantitative Easing, which is the purchasing by the central banks of a number of fixed income securities – in the process taking short term interest rates and long term yields down as much as possible. In doing so they are trying to encourage investors but it is of course detrimental to savers!!”

“In a way they are being pushed into equities … the authorities have created what I think is a bubble in stocks, bonds, high end real estate and art”


“By forcing the banks to inflate their capital, the banks are being forced into buying sovereign securities!”.

This type of regulatory policy chicanery helps finance the growing government debt at the expense of savers, retirees and small business. Eventually sovereign economic growth is affected.



There are many unintended consequences and moral hazards of such policies. They lead to mal-investment, lack of price discovery and the mispricing of risk. Jean Marie Eveillard cites “economists have warned about potential mal-investment and today we are right there with the problem …. there is no ambiguity when they say they will do whatever it takes!”


“Today the emphasis of economists is to consume, versus save and invest!”

Sustained cheap money increases supply much more than it does demand. We presently have over investment resulting in global over supply. This is not being matched by only moderate global demand based primarily on consumerism. This mismatch leads to a lack of pricing power, which eventually defeats policies of Quantitative Easing and ZIRP which were never intended by their academic architects to be sustained policies.” Gordon T Long




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06/09/2015 - Jayant Bhandari – Hard Assets & Natural Resources: FRA “It’s an over supply problem!”

Special Guest: Jayant Bhandari – Global Mining Analyst, Anarcho Capital


“Economic Repression is a fact of the day everywhere in the world”


“There are two parts of the world in my opinion. One is the western developed civilization and the other is the non-western civilization. The western civilization was primarily based on reason and respect for the individual. This has considerably deteriorated over the last few decades. Increasingly the coming of the police state in particularly the USA. In the West-European part of the western civilization the regulatory controls have become particularly horrendous as well. The welfare system of these economies is deteriorating these societies now. Culturally the western civilizations are increasingly on a slippery slope.”

“The non Western civilizations have adopted the consumerism and wealth creating mechanism of the western civilizations, but I am not sure they have really adopted these things properly! Democracy has not done well in these countries. As a result consumerism is making these countries very unstable. The only countries I feel relatively positive about right now are China and some of the smaller countries like Singapore, Hong Kong, Mauritius – these countries are doing very well.”


The problem is with the investors who have over-funded mining. They shouldn’t have ramped up mining as much as has been done!

‘The places to invest are places like Canada, Scandinavia, Australia and parts of South America. You need consistency in the political climate. You want the stability for people to invest billions of dollars in these countries.”

“I don’t think global demand has fallen. If you look at Iron Ore the world is using three times more Iron Ore. The world requires three times more Iron Ore than it used to 10-15 years ago. What is changed is that we have started to supply more commodities than the world demand is there for it. The problem is with the investors who have overfunded mining. They shouldn’t have ramped up mining as much as has been done!


“Global western economies are stagnating and this is a direct result of over regulating business in those countries.”

“Businesses are suffocating in the west now. There is pretty much zero growth. You need to understand the off balance sheet liabilities these businesses have, and continue to increase. They have benefited from technological evolution and the low hanging fruit over the last twenty years.” This has now changed.

The US$ shows that though the US is deteriorating according to Jayant Bhandari “it is deteriorating slower than the rest of the world!”

“Economic repression is a fact of the day everywhere in the world”

Where growth is happening it is because of increasing consumerism and this is not good for the future because growth should be happening as a result of the increase in supply of products – which would mean we should be saving more – which would mean we should be producing more than we are consuming!”


“I have never been too bullish about gold but increasingly I am very bullish about gold. The reason is a lot of people misunderstand why Indians buy gold. The reason Indians and Chinese buy so much gold is that for example in India the yield on investment is negative. It pays them to invest in something that gives them positive real yield. In my view India is going to increase its consumption of gold and the Chinese will keep doing it.”

“Once the US$ becomes too over-valued people will begin putting their money in precious metals!”

…. and much more in the video interview. Listen to the whole interview.


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06/09/2015 - Financial Repression Tutorial: It’s about Macro Prudential Policies to Control and Reduce Government Debt

Financial Sense’s Cris Sheridan interviews Gordon T Long* on financial repression .. Gord explains how financial repression is not about conspiracy theories, nor is there some official government policy for financial repression .. it’s happening from macro prudential government policies focused on reducing & controlling government debt .. click on the above chart to enlarge – in the middle you will see the 4 pillars of financial repression – negative interest rates, inflation, ring-fencing regulations & obfuscation .. “Financial repression uses a combination of inflation and government control of interest rates in an environment of capital controls to confiscate the purchasing power of much of the nation’s private savings.” .. discussion on how to protect your investments in such an environment .. 43 minutes podcast .. courtesy thanks to Financial Sense for making this available

LINK HERE to the Podcast


“Financial repression is not a conspiracy theory, it is rather a collective set of macroprudential policies focused on controlling and reducing excessive government debt through 4 pillars – negative interest rates, inflation, ring-fencing regulations and obfuscation – to effectively transfer purchasing power from private savings.” – The Financial Repression Authority

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06/09/2015 - Mark Thornton on The True Meaning of Financial Repression

Financial Survival Network interviews Mises Institute’s Mark Thornton .. Thornton writes: “With politicians and central bankers seemingly gone mad with their obsession for money printing and ultra low interest rates, it is nice to know that academic economists have a term (i.e., financial repression) for the policies that have created our current economic conditions.” .. the term financial repression dates back to 1973 when 2 Stanford University economists – Edward Shaw & Ronald McKinnon .. identifies 2 major macroprudential policies of financial repression in use – ZIRP or zero interest rate policy of central banks to keep interest rates & lending rates at or near 0 – this makes the interest rate on government debt low .. & the second is QE or quantitative easing is the central bank policy of buying up government debt from banks – this increased demand increases the price of government bonds & reduces the interest rates on those bonds .. Take a look at the frescoes Mark refers to in his article and see if you recognize a parallel to modern America: The Allegory of Good and Bad Government .. 20 minutes

LINK HERE to the Podcast

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06/07/2015 - Puru Saxena Talks Financial Repression

Special Guest: Puru Saxena – Founder & CEO, Puru Saxena Wealth Management



“We have been through a huge financial crisis in 2008 which brought the world’s banking system to it knees. The US housing market was on it knees. It was the worst recession, if not depression that the US faced in a long time. It affected all the global markets. So rightly or wrongly –wrongly in my view – the central banks decided to bailout everyone in site by keeping interest rates near zero and launching Quantitative Easing programs (which is essentially bond buying or asset swapping) which is printing new money and buying toxic bonds from the banks and thereby cleaning up the banks balance sheets – making sure the banking system survives.”

“In the process they have held interest rates at zero for a long long time, not only in the US, Europe and a lot of other countries in the developed world, which is penalizing the savers to the benefit of the borrowers and debtors. They are especially hurting people at retirement or close to retirement because suddenly their passive income which they had worked so hard to accumulate all their life disappears!

“It is essentially a transfer of wealth from savers to the borrowers and debtors.”

“This has managed to stabilize the system temporarily but is really not good for society!”


“The problem is everyone has become accustomed to being bailed out! Now there is no such thing as a bankruptcy! Everyone knows (especially the banks), if they make mistakes someone will bail them out either the central banks or the government. It has increased risk taking.

“It has increased risk taking.

“I never felt QE was capable of increasing business activity because this is not really a supply side problem but a demand side problem. You have households all over the world already choking on debt. The last thing they want to do is borrow more money even if you drop rates to zero or give them money to borrow, they just are not going to do it!


“When people ask why QE hasn’t caused inflation or hyperinflation, the answer is simple: households in the west were in no position to borrow money at even zero interest rates. The aggregate demand for new debt or credit was simply not there. By swapping assets the central banks have managed to cleanup the banking system but they have not been able to ignite the risk appetite at the household level”.

“We have a Demand problem, NOT a Supply Side problem!”

This is a global problem! “Even in Hong Kong, 2 years ago it was teaming with mainline Chinese tourists which now are simply not coming. Retail sales in Hong Kong have fallen significantly. Spending is hurting as the middle class has been obliterated! The rich have become richer as assets have increased and savers have been penalized. This policy of QE and Financial Repression has really helped the elite of the world – who have had access to financial leveraging.”


The core problem to Puru Saxena is:

  1. The low growth economic environment we find ourselves in,
  2. The deflationary pressures in Europe and Japan

“Historically we have seen, whenever an economy passes through an extremely slow growth, sluggish environment where there is a lack of aggregate demand and you have deflationary pressures, long term interest rates have always gone down. The tendency of long-term interest rates is to drift lower in this environment. Long-term interest rates are normally set by the rate of economic activity as well as the real rate of inflation. At the moment we don’t really have much inflation or at least forces on inflation anywhere in the developed world and economic activity is zero or even negative!”

Long-term interest rates are price appropriately for the current economic activity!

There is much, much more in this 31 minute macroeconomic view of the world and the investment opportunities it presents.


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06/06/2015 - Financial Repression Risk: Bank Bailins Are Coming!

Financial Repression Risk:

Bank Bailins Are Coming!

GoldCore update on bank bail-in financial repression developments .

– 11 countries face legal action if bail-in rules 
are not enacted within 2 months
– Bail-in legislation aims at removing state responsibility 
when banks collapse
– Rules place burden on creditors 
– among whom depositors are counted
– Austria abolished bank deposit guarantee in April
– “Bail-in regimes” coming globally

The European Commission has ordered 11 EU countries to enact the Bank Recovery and Resolution Directive (BRRD) within two months or be hauled before the EU Court of Justice – The countries are Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Romania, Sweden, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, France & Italy .. the idea of bank bail-ins is to so that governments do not have to bailout banks again on the next financial crisis.

LINK HERE to the Article


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06/05/2015 - Financial Repression Risk: Bank-based Safety Deposit Boxes

International Man’s Jeff Thomas writes about the increasing level of legislation that controls what individuals are allowed to do with their own wealth – financial repression .. “Many people who see the writing on the wall are doing whatever they can to exit the banking system as much as possible, in spite of the fact that the banking system is essential to most types of economic transactions.” .. Thomas sees a move towards electronic money, away from physical cash .. “After this is completed, confiscations will occur. Again, these will be implemented by the banks. But in order to maximize the amount that will be taken, it will be necessary to force people out of other forms of wealth storage and into bank deposits.” .. Thomas highlights the potential effects on bank-based safety deposit boxes – governments & the banking sector will likely try to herd the wealth from safety deposit boxes into bank deposits to make it easier to do bailins .. “Banks are now a time bomb for depositors. Wealth storage in safe deposit boxes looks to become a thing of the past.” .. Thomas advises non-bank wealth-storage facilities for storing precious metals.

LINK HERE to the Article

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06/04/2015 - Deutsche Bank: The Federal Reserve is Embracing Financial Repression

Deutsche Bank now says that the Federal Reserve has been, through their monetary policies, destroying the capital markets & the economy .. “We think the Fed is obliged to talk up the economy because if they were brutally honest, the economy .. could quickly evaporate .. At issue is whether or not the Fed in particular but the market in general has properly understood the nature of the economic problem. The more we dig into this, the more we are afraid that they do not. So aside from a data revision tsunami, we would suggest that the Fed has outlooked not just horribly wrong, but completely misunderstood .. the idea that the economy is ‘ready’ for a removal of accommodation.” .. Deutsche Bank thinks the Federal Reserve is embracing financial repression rather than the “uncertainty of asset price deflation and a debt default cycle.”

LINK HERE to the Article

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06/01/2015 - Jim Rogers Talks Financial Repression

Special Guest: Jim Rogers – Investor, Bestselling Author & Financial Commentator



“Financial Repression can mean many things but basically in a nutshell it is a lack of free market finance and human activity, where the government thinks it is smarter than we are!”

“History has shown many times that we are smarter than governments, politicians and the bureaucrats – but they don’t like to give up power. When they make mistakes they blame it on us and try and make us pay for it! When they see a problem arise their first instinct is to try and suppress the public and markets. They try and do things they think will make things better, but of course it doesn’t, and only makes things worse!”


“When problems arise they put on exchange controls which is a time honored tradition of politicians and bureaucrats to correct mistakes they have made. We will have exchange controls in the US again – no question. We already have exchange controls to some extent such as FATCA and other things to make it more and more difficult for Americans to do anything as far as finances are concerned. They will put on trade controls, tariffs quotas – they will come up with all sorts of things.”

Politicians don’t know what they are doing. History proves many times that politicians make things worse instead of better because what they do since they don’t know anything themselves, they ask the bureaucrats how they can save themselves. The bureaucrats rush in and say “this is the way you save yourself”. “It isn’t your fault, it is the markets fault and those evil speculators and the people! They then come up with regulations and controls. They don’t know what they are doing!”

Regarding ZIRP, Operation Twist and three rounds of Quantitative Easing, Jim Rogers predicts:

“We are going to have to pay a horrible price for yet another mistake made by the bureaucrats”


  1. “The first thing investors should do is only do things they know a lot about! Don’t listen to me or anyone else who you don’t know what they are talking about. Do not so something that you yourself don’t understand perfectly.”
  2. “Everyone should know about having assets outside their own country. We all have fire insurance which we hope we will never use. Look upon international diversification as a kind of insurance. … diversify internationally.
  3. “If you don’t know about other asset classes then please, for goodness sake, learn about them because there are going to be many strange things happen in the next decade.


“History shows in the US we have had economic slowdowns every four to seven years since the beginning of the republic. We are going to have them again no matter what people tell you. If someone tells you we will never have another economic slowdown – please put your money in your pocket and head as far away as you can!”

“It is going to be much, much worse than 2008. There is higher debt everywhere than previously!”

“We have never had history all the central banks printing such vast amounts of money at the same time! There is a hugh ocean of liquidity floating around out there!”

… and much more

  • Coming Exchange, Trade and Quota controls,
  • The dangers the coming Cashless Society,
  • The $5T Nominal Negative Interest Rate Sovereign Bonds,
  • The destruction of the US savings and working class,
  • The slowing Chinese Economy,
  • Why recessions are healthy. Why the avoidance of recessions leads to serious malfeasance.
  • The importance of investing in productive assets.

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06/01/2015 - Thorsten Polleit PhD – The Natural Interest Rate

Special Guest: Thorsten Polleit PhD – Polleit & Riechert Investment Management


The “Natural Interest Rate” Is Always Positive and Cannot Be Negative

Some economists have been arguing that the “equilibrium real interest rate” (that is the “natural interest rate” or the “originary interest rate”) has become negative, as a “secular stagnation” has allegedly caused a “savings glut.” The idea is that savings exceed investment, and that a negative real interest rate is required for bringing savings in line with investment. From the viewpoint of the Austrian school, the notion of a “negative equilibrium real interest rate” doesn’t make sense at all.

The market interest rate is the outcome of the supply of and demand for savings in the market place. It can be observed, for instance, in the deposit, bond, or loan market for different maturities and credit qualities. The originary interest rate is a category of human action, saying that acting man values goods available at present more highly than goods available in the future. In other words: Future goods trade at a price discount relative to present goods. For instance, 1 US$ available today is preferred over 1 US$ available in one year’s time.

If 1 US$ to be received in one year’s time is valued at, say, 0.909 US$, the originary rate of interest is 10 percent. (1 US$ divided by 0.909 minus 1 gives you 0.10, or 10 percent, for that matter.) 10 percent is here the originary interest rate (disregarding any other premia).

The “Originary Interest Rate” Reflects a Value Differential

The originary interest rate is expressive of a value differential, which results from so-called time-preference. The term time-preference denotes that acting man prefers an earlier satisfaction of wants over a later satisfaction of wants. Time-preference is always and everywhere positive, and so is the originary interest rate. This is, first and foremost, what common sense would tell us.

The notion that time-preference and the originary interest rate could be zero, does not only sound absurd, it is also a logical impossibility: Positive time-preference and a positive originary interest rate are logically implied in the irrefutably true “axiom of human action.”

Human action is purposive behavior, implying the use of means to achieve ends. Action requires time (it is impossible to think otherwise). Thus, time is an indispensable and scarce means for achieving ends. As such, it must be economized, which necessarily implies that an earlier satisfaction of wants is preferred over a later satisfaction of wants.

For (praxeo-)logical reasons, therefore, time preference and the originary interest rate cannot fall to zero, let alone become negative. The implications of a negative originary interest rate cannot even be conceived by the human mind: A zero originary interest rate already implies no action ever into eternity.

The End of the Market Economy

Should a central bank really succeed in making all market interest rates negative in real terms, savings and investment would come to a shrieking halt: as time preference and the originary interest rate are always positive, “capitalistic saving” — the accumulation of goods designed for improving the production process — would come to an end.

Capital consumption would ensue, throwing mankind back into poverty. It would be the end of the market economy.

The True Purpose of Negative-Interest-Rate Policy

For some reason, those who argue that the originary interest rate has become negative seem to overlook that the originary interest rate is a phenomena which is not confined to credit markets. It pervades all markets in which present goods are exchanged for future goods. For instance, the originary interest rate prevails at each stage of the economy’s time-consuming roundabout production. The originary interest rate also exists in the stock market, where investors exchange present money against a claim on future money (that is a firm’s dividend payment).

If they wanted to be consistent, the believers in a negative originary interest rate would have to call for a policy that does not only make interest rates negative in real terms in the credit market, but also in the markets for, say, stocks and housing.

However, a policy that advocates destroying firms’ values and peoples’ housing wealth wouldn’t be taken too kindly by the public at large; and those economists recommending it couldn’t expect being cheered.

The consequence of a policy of a negative real market interest rate should have become obvious by now:

It is an actually perfidious policy for debasing the real value of outstanding debt; and it is a recipe for wreaking havoc on the economy.

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05/31/2015 - Mark Nestmann on US Foreign Investment Taxation

Special Guest: Mark Nestmann – Lawyer, International Taxation Law


After establishing a noted career in international investment, Mark Nestmann left the US for three years to study for his “Master of Law” (LL.M.) degree in international tax law at the Vienna University School of Economics and Business Administration in Vienna, Austria. This is an indication of the seriousness and rigor with which Mark tackles issues in International Taxation for his high net worth clients. He shared his views with the FINANCIAL REPRESSION AUTHORITY in this exclusive interview.


Passed in 2010 and hidden as part of a “Military Pensions Act”, no one fully understood what it meant or paid much attention to it.

“The Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act, is one of the most arrogant and one-sided laws ever passed by Congress. The idea behind FATCA, which Congress enacted in 2010, is simple: Demand that other countries enforce America’s imperialistic tax laws. And do so by the confiscation of foreign assets, if necessary.”Why FATCA Is a Train Wreck Waiting to Happen – Mark Nestmann

“What is happening is foreign financial institutions (which is defined very broadly in the act) under the law are required to identify their US clients and force their US clients to self identify and turn over information to the IRS.”

“If the banks or countries don’t comply then 30% of their US source income (and in some case 30% of source gross sales revenues) of things like stocks, bonds, CDs etc are withheld – this is a pretty big number! The only way banks can avoid the 30% withholding tax is to essentially act as unpaid IRS informants.”

“Not surprisingly, FATCA and numerous other laws that require FFIs to enforce US money laundering, anti-terrorism, and securities regulations have led most of these institutions to fire their US clients. Perhaps one in 10 – and possibly fewer – non-US banks still permit US citizens or permanent residents to open accounts. That leaves little choice for Americans but to deal only with banks that have agreed to toe the IRS line.”Why FATCA Is a Train Wreck Waiting to Happen – Mark Nestmann

“Non US persons investing in the US are also effected by FATCA. If their foreign bank don’t comply their US investment is whacked 30% as well – It isn’t just Americas who should care about this but basically everyone in the world!”

This is not a good time to have unreported financial accounts in countries that have already signed FATCA agreements with the US, or are about to. If you’re in this situation, you might want to seriously consider retaining a tax attorney to enroll you in the IRS’s latest Offshore Voluntary Disclosure Program.


“PFIC is another aspect of Financial Repression and aspect of regulatory restrictions on investment choices.”

“If you have an investment vehicle registered outside the US the IRS will consider it a PFIC. As an example of the way this tax is very unfavorable is that unless an offshore Mutual Fund qualifies as a US Mutual Fund when you sell it (or deemed to sell it) you have to file not only a return on the income by also a “throwback” interest charge for EVERY YEAR you held the fund. Additionally the tax rate is computed at the highest marginal rate in that year!”

“What happens is that people who held offshore mutual funds for a long period of time windup losing every penny of income in that fund because it is paid out in taxes and interest penalties.”

… there is much, much more in this 26 minute video interview covering:

  • CITIZENSHIP TAXATION (including the absurdity of 1986 Tax Legislation for “Mars”??)
  • US 2008 “EXIT TAX” (for citizens and Green Card holders on unrealized gains),

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05/30/2015 - Macroprudential Policy Driving the Financial Markets

Citigroup note confirms macroprudential policy (financial repression) is driving the the financial markets: “If there were any lingering doubt, this week’s gyrations demonstrate neatly that it is central bank liquidity, not fundamentals, driving markets. It is the flow, not the anticipated stock, of QE which counts .. Central bank policy pronouncements are almost the exclusive driver of market movements at the moment, not fundamentals .. with central bank liquidity the ultimate source of all market movements, investors are forced to shun fundamentals and instead hang on the central banks’ every word. At some point, of course, the risk is that the taps are turned off: recent speeches from Yellen, Draghi and others do demonstrate an increasing unease with market behaviour, and an increased emphasis on financial stability and the need for structural reforms. But with the underlying economy still weak, and vulnerable to a sharp sell-off in markets, we fear they will find that mangling, once started, is hard to stop. Particularly when they remain at least partly in denial as to the extent of it.”

LINK HERE to the Article


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05/29/2015 - John Mauldin Talks Financial Repression

Special Guest: John Mauldin – Financial Author, Writer & Publisher



“My recent book ‘Code Red’ was really all about Financial Repression. We were talking then about Currency Wars which has come to be played out. We were talking then about Central Banks driving down interest rates on savings to force retirees and savers into other types of investment and take more risk. They want them to move more out onto the risk curve which the central bankers believe will stimulate the economy. What they don’t understand is that taking it from savers, it takes it from their consumption behavior patterns.”

They are robbing from Peter to pay Paul, but in this case Paul is the banks and Wall Street Interests. It is not for the guy on main street.

“When the central banks start messing around with the markets they change the price of money and it has all sorts of unintended consequences!”


“This period of zero interest has created an extraordinary set of malinvestments as a result of unintended consequences. One example is they have money real cheap for Texas oil men. When you make money cheap for Texas oil men they punch holes in the ground. They moved out ‘onto the edge’. It created employment and drove rig prices up.” … “It changed behaviors, it changed how we think the world works – we will see how it works out!


“Investors have been moving into high yield (HY) bonds. We are issuing risky HY bonds that are much more risky than 2007 with less covenants. Its like we didn’t learn anything! People feel they have to have more yield and can’t survive without it. We have bond funds where people are chasing longer duration bond funds. If interest rates on the long end of the curve grows by 1%, these longer duration bond funds (2 of the largest funds in the world) could lose 20%. Investors in 401K’s who see 20% losses will panic and hit the sell button. Because we wrote a bill called Dodd-Frank, which basically says you banks can’t get involved in providing liquidity to this market because we don’t want you to take the risk – they have shoved the risk to investors who will all try and get out the door at the same time!”

“It would not surprise me in the next crisis (and it will happen) to see the Federal Reserve step in and start directly funding Mutual Funds and ETFs trying to provide liquidity into a panicking market!”


As John wrote in “code red” he sees a continuing strengthening in the US$.

“The dollar is going to get stronger than any of us can even imagine!”

“The BIS cites that emerging markets have borrowed some $9T in US$ terms.” As emerging markets weaken they must pay their loans in appreciating dollars. There is presently a mad scramble ensuing to cover this carry trade. Mauldin believes it will get even worse because of Japan.

“Japan is just continuing to print money. They are just going to print more money! When that doesn’t work they will print even more money. They have a sovereign debt crisis that the only way they can solve it to trash their currency and to move the debt they have generated from banks and pension funds unto the balance sheet of the central bank. That is their only solution. Today the 10 Year JGB market (it used to be one of the most liquid in the world) if the BOJ is not buying there are no trades! That is just shocking and is going to put pressures on currencies all over the world!”

“This is movie we just don’t believe will end well!”


  1. A couple of countries have a major crisis,
  2. It may possibly roll from country to country,
  3. The Federal Reserve will supply SWAP lines to central banks around the world,

“Investors at this stage should start to consider what is their exit strategy!”

… and much more in the video discussion…. John gives his advise on what things investors must now be concerned with and how they should be preparing.

Disclaimer: The views or opinions expressed in this blog post may or may not be representative of the views or opinions of the Financial Repression Authority.

05/29/2015 - Jim Rickards* on War on Cash, Repressive Interest Rates, Capital Controls, Potential Bailins

Latest Jim Rickards* interview with the Physical Gold Fund .. Rickards covers several aspects of financial repression happening – from the war on cash, to repressive interest rates by central banks, to capital controls & potential bail-ins, bank account freezes, how the zero interest rate policy (ZIRP) is taking money out of the pocket of savers & giving it to big banks .. very interesting: Rickards sees a time coming when the magnitude of the next financial crisis will be bigger than central banks can create liquidity for – he says in 1998, Wall Street bailed out a hedge fund, then in the financial crisis, central banks bailed out Wall Street, but in the next financial crisis, the IMF will be needed to bailout the central banks .. 1 hour

LINK HERE to the Podcast

Disclaimer: The views or opinions expressed in this blog post may or may not be representative of the views or opinions of the Financial Repression Authority.

05/29/2015 - Financial Repression: The War on Cash

Mises Institute’s Dr. Joseph Salerno recently spoke .. Today cash is under attack like never before. Ultra low interest rates are the norm for commercial bank accounts. In Europe, as the ECB ventures into negative nominal interest rates, certain banks threaten to charge customers for depositing cash. Meanwhile, certain European bonds now pay negative yields, effectively turning them into insurance products rather than financial assets. And some economists now call for the outright abolition of cash, which shows just how far some will go in their crazed belief that economic prosperity can be commanded by forcing us to spend rather than save .. The War on Cash is real, it’s about financial repression & it will intensify .. 28 minutes

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05/29/2015 - Gordon T Long Discusses The War on Cash

Financial Repression: The War on Cash

Wall Street for Main Street’s Jason Burack & Gordon T Long discuss the escalating war on cash .. why it is happening, when cash could be abolished .. what the real drivers of this movement are .. discussion on financial repression developments.. about 1 hour


Disclaimer: The views or opinions expressed in this blog post may or may not be representative of the views or opinions of the Financial Repression Authority.

05/27/2015 - John Richardson Talks FATCA & US Citizenship Taxation Abroad

Special Guest: John Richardson – Lawyer, FATCA & Citizenship Counselling



JOHN RICHARDSON, is Canadian based lawyer with a specialized practice of US Taxation abroad for US Citizens. He is the publisher of the web site:citizenship He tackles the following head-on with “no holds barred”!

You will never view US Taxation the same after listening to this 38 minute podcast.

– How citizenship taxation has made U.S. citizenship a disability in the modern world
– Why renouncing U.S. citizenship is an excellent investment for “U.S. citizens” not living in the U.S.
– How the U.S. “Exit Tax” triggered by renouncing U.S. citizenship operates to confiscate non-U.S. assets outside the U.S.
– How citizenship taxation imposes a “capital tax” on any country that has U.S. citizens resident in it
– How FATCA allows the U.S. to increase its tax based by expanding the definition of citizenship
– How FATCA lowers the international standard of human rights in the world
– How FATCA compliance costs will keep the poor countries poor
– The FATCA Sanction and the “Weaponization of Finance”
– FATCA English and FATCA Forms
– Why the U.S. will always prefer FATCA to GATCA
– FATCA and the future of the dollar as the major world reserve currency

Disclaimer: The views or opinions expressed in this blog post may or may not be representative of the views or opinions of the Financial Repression Authority.