08/22/2015 - The Unseen Consequences of Zero Interest Rate Policy
Incrementum’s Ronald-Peter Stöferle explains how central banks with a zero interest rate policy (ZIRP) in place are creating unintenddd consequences & associated adverse risks to investors & retirees .. it’s financial repression .. “With artificial stimulus like ZIRP, we only end up with a situation in which governments, financial institutions, entrepreneurs, and consumers who should actually be declared insolvent all remain on artificial life support.” .. with the unintended consequences being:
1. Conservative investors by nature come under increasing pressure with respect to their investments & take on excessive risks in light of the prospect that interest rates will remain low in the long term. This leads to capital misallocation & the emergence of bubbles.
2. The sweet poison of low interest rates leads to massive asset price inflation (stocks, bonds, works of art, real estate).
3. Structurally too low interest rates in industrialized nations due to carry trades lead to the emergence of asset price bubbles & contagion effects in emerging markets.
4. Changes in human behavior patterns occur, due to continually declining purchasing power.
5. As a result of the structurally too low level of interest rates, a ‘culture of instant gratification’ is created, which is among other things characterized by the fact that consumption is financed with credit instead of savings.
6. The medium of exchange and unit of account function of money increases in importance, while its role as a store of value declines.
7. Incentives for fiscal discipline decline.
8. Zombie banks are created: Low interest rates prevent the healthy process of creative destruction. 9. Banks are enabled to roll over potentially non-performing loans practically indefinitely & can thus lower their write-off requirements.
9. Newly created money is neither uniformly nor simultaneously distributed amongst the population
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08/01/2015 - Financial Repression Will Intensify as Central Bank/Government Policy Options Become Limited
Economist Satyajit Das sees increasing methods of financial repression being employed by governments as policy options become limited .. Introduced in 1973 by economists Edward Shaw & Ronald McKinnon, the term refers to measures implemented by governments to channel savings & funds to finance the public sector, lower its borrowing costs & liquidate debt .. Das sees new taxes, means testing, user pay surcharges all coming .. “Entitlement liabilities, such as retirement benefits, will be managed by increasing the allowable minimum retirement age, reducing benefit levels, linking to actual contribution by individuals over their working life, and eliminating inflation indexation. Many of these policies will be packaged as socially and ethically progressive initiatives, belying the financial imperatives.” .. points out in a 2013 study, the McKinsey Global Institute found that between 2007 & 2012, interest rate & quantitative easing (QE) policies resulted in a net transfer to governments in the United States, Britain & the eurozone of $1.6 trillion (£1.03 trillion), through reduced debt-service costs & increased central bank profits – “The losses were borne by households, pension funds, insurers and foreign investors. Households in these countries together lost $630bn in net interest income, with the major losses being borne by older households with significant interest-bearing assets. Non-financial corporations in these countries also benefited by $710bn through lower debt service costs.” .. Das also sees deliberate devaluation as another financial repression mechanism .. regulations are another mechanism: “Governments can legislate minimum mandatory holdings of government securities for banks, pension funds and insurance companies. New liquidity regulations already require increased holdings of government bonds by banks and insurers.” .. wealth confiscation is yet another mechanism – seizing savings or pension fund assets like in 2013 when Spain drew €5bn (£3.5bn) from the state’s Social Security Reserve Fund, designed to guarantee pension payments in times of hardship .. nationalizations are yet another mechanism .. “Debt monetization and the resultant loss of purchasing power effectively represent a tax on holders of money and sovereign debt. They redistribute real resources from savers to borrowers and the issuer of the currency, resulting in diminution of wealth over time. This highlights the reliance on financial repression, explicitly seeking to reduce the value of savings. Ultimately, the policies being used to manage the crisis punish frugality and thrift, instead rewarding borrowing, profligacy, excess and waste.”
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08/01/2015 - The Disappearing Retirement Fund
International Man’s Jeff Thomas points to the unprecedented financial & economic challenges & crises in the indebted developed world .. Thomas is very pessimistic about the retirement situation for Americans, Canadians, Europeans .. he thinks their investments in their pension funds will diminish dramatically in value or disappear .. for example, on U.S. social security, “Ergo, each year, those working will need to be taxed more heavily if the system is to continue. Unfortunately, at some point, we reach the tipping point and the concept itself is no longer viable. After that point, benefits will be reduced and, possibly, eliminated altogether.” .. in regard to private pension funds like 401Ks, Thomas sees the risks of a stock market crash as bringing down the value of these funds, even if the funds are so-called “diversified” .. but there’s more – there are now new risks from governments desperately in search of funds to keep their operations & public pensions going .. “When governments find themselves on the verge of insolvency, they invariably react the same way: go back to the cash cow for a final milking. Each of the jurisdictions that is in trouble at present, has, in its playbook, the same collection of milking techniques. One of those will have a major impact on pensions: the requirement that pension plans must contain a percentage of government Treasuries .. Legislation will be created to ensure that a percentage be in Treasuries, which are ‘guaranteed’ .. Sounds good. And people will be grateful. Unfortunately, the body that is providing the guarantee is the same body that has created the economic crisis. And if the government is insolvent, the ‘guarantee’ will become just one more empty promise. Recently, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that employers have a duty to protect workers invested in their 401(k) plans from mutual funds that perform poorly or are too expensive. By passing this ruling, the US government has the power to seize private pension funds “to protect pensioners”. It also has the authority to dictate how funds may be invested. The way is now paved for the requirement that 401(k)s be invested heavily in US Treasuries.”
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A Mexican Economist, Guillermo Barba never heard of the Austrian school of economics until after graduating. Mexican University teaching still focuses on Marxist philosophy and Keynesian thinking. His subsequent exposure to the Austrian school of Economics was an eye opener which started him on a road which he hopes to help others in Mexico and Latin American become exposed to. He believes that the socialist thinking which South American universities are still oriented towards is one of the cancers in the world and hurting economic development.
“I became a real economist after I met the Austrian School of Economics!”
“The Austrian School has a framework to explain the current ‘economic mess’ in the world today!”
Barba’s popular Mexican blog is focused on financial intelligence because he felt the truth was not being told and it needed to be.
“Mexicans know perfectly what Financial Repression means! Living in Mexico means living in the neighborhood of the United States of America. That is a lot of financial repression!”
“The entire world is suffering from Financial Repression because there are Financial Repressors. That is the problem. Who are those financial repressors? As Hugo Salinas Price told him, the entire world is controlled by a group of about 1000 people and a smaller core group control most of the decisions. Most of them are bankers”
Barba believes that t he global reserve system which is based on the US dollar “is basically a scam”. According to Barba, to keep the whole system working the powers to be must get people into debt. Debt must grow exponentially.
“Pushing people to spend and taken on debt versus savings is insane! Savings is the base and the cornerstone of development. Savings are the cornerstone of capital! The world needs capital accumulation, not debt accumulation!
“Debt accumulation is not sustainable. Capital accumulation is sustainable!”
Guillermo Barba believes the powers to be simply don’t know what to do other than just ‘print more money’. He also sees the US dollar getting much, much stronger as people generally won’t know what to do to protect their wealth. This will offer opportunities to use inflated US dollars to buy real estates at attractive prices.
….. there is much more in this interview on the Mexican and South American economies.
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07/17/2015 - David Morgan Talks Silver
Special Guest: David Morgan – Silver Expert, Publisher: Morgan Report, Silver-Investor.com
An Aeronautical Engineer by training, David brings these analytic skills to his analysis of financial and commodities markets. He believes the inability of the majority of people to properly understand the significance of mathematical science such as the exponential curve is one such important example. A “hockey stick” of debt growth is simply and fundamentally unsustainable!
Keeping interest rates low is central to debt ridden governments surviving. Acording to David Morgan the government must keep rates low as long as possible but believes a reset of some sore is inevitable. David sees the mechanics and policies of keep rates repressed as fundamentally defining Financial Repression.
Financial Repression is like a big coffee press, pressing everything down and has suppressed the ability for us to have a free market and thereby enjoy the fruits of our intellect, labor, creativity and purpose as humans.”
Many believe that rising interest rates will hurt gold. David fully expects the Fed to increase rates but sees it as being nothing more that “showmanship”. David suggests that:
“his experience shows that it is when REAL RATES get positive that you COULD see gold impacted from an increase in interest rates”
“What you really need to know is what are the real rates versus nominal rates which you see iin the newspapers.”
The current gold-silver ratio implies to David Morgan is that silver is presently undervalued relative to gold.
According to Morgan the Gold-Silver Ratio is telling us something else that is important.
“If you have a real economy with sound money you get a deflationary trend. This means your money is worth more over time. It is beneficial to almost everybody. Silver is the best inflation edge and not the best deflation hedge. Gold is the best deflation hedge. Silver anticipated this huge inflationary environment back when QE2 was announced and moved from $26/OZ to $48/OZ. What happened was all that anticipated inflation didn’t get into the market place because all the increased debt only resulted in re-liquifying the banks. They forced the money into the banking system and not out into the public sector.”
David believes silver is currently a better buy than gold. He still believes silver will outperform gold.
“We are not out of the woods. There is a place for precious metals in your portfolio. 20% for “metal bugs” and 10% for the average public.”
There is much, much more in this 32 minute interview with this well respected precious metals and silver expert.
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07/17/2015 - Jeff Berwick talks Crypto-Currencies
Special Guest: Jeff Berwick
Jeff Berwick, based in Acapulco, Mexico, has formerly been interviewed in this series (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O20n_oDUx54 ). He founded the StockHouse Media Corporation in 1994 and was its CEO until 2002. He is publisher of the dollar vigilante website (https://www.dollarvigilante.com/ ), which went online in 2010. Back then, he predicted the complete collapse of the US Dollar and the world financial system within the next five to ten years. He thinks that we are a lot closer now. He recently predicted a massive breakdown for September 2015 based on the seven year “Shemitah cycle“ (http://surviveshemitah.com/ ).
Jeff is concerned about the dependence of governments and financial market institutions on extremely low interest rates, even negative interest rates, which he calls “complete Keynesian insanity”. What is happening in Greece right now is just the beginning. It will eventually happen in other eurozone countries like Spain, Portugal, Italy, France and in countries all around the world, including the US.
Government debt in most countries has become so high that minor increases in the interest rate would lead to immediate default. The explicit US debt is above $18.3 trillion, as shown in the figure below. This however does not include implicit debt and liabilities that the US government has accumulated over the years, for example in the form of social security. Total debt and liabilities according to Jeff amount to $95 trillion.
“All it takes is, for example, for the Federal Reserve to raise interest rates by .25 per cent and they can bankrupt the entire financial system. This is where we are now. It’s been complete insanity. They tried to fix the 2008 crisis by printing money and going into more debt, which is why they got into that problem in the first place. And we are starting to see the next wave of major collapses and crises.”
As a response to the ongoing war on cash, Jeff suggests to go out of large cash holdings as soon as possible. He sees one potential solution in BitGold and even more so in Bitcoin, as a completely decentralized money and payment system. The price of bitcoin has been rising during the recent Greek crisis, whereas gold and silver have fallen. However, Jeff points out that the prices for gold and silver are systematically distorted on a “very manipulated market.”
“There is no Bitcoin office, there is no BItcoin servers. So no matter what the government does, unless they turn off the internet entirely, they can’t stop Bitcoin. That’s the beauty of Bitcoin.”
Although Mexico is often portrayed as a dangerous third world country, Jeff can tell from personal experience that it is in many respects a better place than the US, as there is far less government involvement in private and business affairs. Mexico will nonetheless face serious problems, because of their close economic ties to the US. The collapse of the American economy will inevitably spill over to Mexico.
“But I think people here [in Mexico] are more used to it. So, for example, they had their peso collapse in the 90s and people lived through it. But Americans aren’t ready for what’s coming. They haven’t seen it in their lifetime. And as you know, half the people in the US are on government assistance now, and a lot of those are on welfare and food stamps. When those EBT cards get shut down, I wouldn’t want to be anywhere near any major population center in the US.”
Jeff generally sees potential in other Latin and South American countries like Columbia, Chile and even Nicaragua, as well as some Asian countries, but definitely not in North America, Europe, Japan or Australia, which all share the same problem: the biggest cohorts of their populations looking for unsustainable entitlement payments in the near future.
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07/16/2015 - James Turk on Financial Repression
Special Guest: James Turk – Founder & Managing Director, GoldMoney.com
With a career in International Banking, including managing the Abe Dubai Investment Authority’s Commodities Portfolio, James Turk is an experienced professional whose insights should be thoughtfully considered. He feels strongly that the US needs to return to the sound money principles the framers of the US Constitution outlined and which the US has unfortunately and perilously veered away from.
“Financial Repression is government intervention in the market system which distorts the market’s signals. …. Government intervention not only distorts the markets but in fact is counter-productive because many times it is government policies which the market are reacting to!”
Instead of changing the policies, governments try and convince the markets (through intervention) that the policies they are following are the correct ones, when in fact they are not.
James feels strongly that governments need to be outside the markets and be primarily focused on maintaining the ‘rule of law’ and ensuring there is a level playing field for competitive capitalism to operate on. Government intervention results in distorting that playing field to the advantage of themselves and their special interests.
“(Governments & Central Banks) are following policies that basically are not sustainable!”
“The government’s ‘make believe’ is that they are creating wealth through creating currency and distributing it through their various programs. That is not creating wealth, but rather debasing the currency. When you debase the currency this is the worst type of financial repression because you are essentially destroying people’s ability to interact entirely voluntarily within the market place, as we fulfill our needs and wants.”
There is only so much wealth in world. It needs to come from somewhere if it is to be distributed in a meaningful way. James Turk believes wealth fundamentally comes in two forms: Tangible Wealth and Financial Wealth.
Financial Wealth comes with counter-party risk and the exposure to insufficient cash-flows required to support the leverage that inevitably comes with pyramiding and the interconnection of financial wealth.
James Turk believes we are presently destroying wealth. Financial Wealth gets destroyed because of the eventuality of insufficient cash-flows (Free DCF) to support the over financialization of the economy.
…. there is much, much more in this fact filled 24 minute Video.
The Holy Alliance
Perpetuating the Welfare State
Why we can’t trust the banking sytem anymore.
How banks have become Hedge Funds versus lending institutions,
Why we need to separate the banks function of being a payments system versus being investment fund managers.
What is the real purpose is of money,
How the current environment is a historical aberration. We have moved away from a sound money system as the constitution framed.
Why we need to return to the wisdom of the framers of the US constitution,
Why Gold and Silver’s proven historical track record is important.
GoldMoney & BitGold MERGER
Why GoldMoney and BitGold Merged,
What James sees the future to be for the merger.
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07/10/2015 - Joseph Salerno on Bail-Ins & “The-War-on-Cash”
Special Guest: Joseph Salerno – Austrian Economist, Professor of Economics, PACE University, VP Academic MISES Institute
Professor Joseph Salerno is a noted Austrian Economist who spoke with the Financial Repression Authority on Financial Repression and his growing concerns with what is referred to as “the War-On-Cash”, which he sees leading America and other developed countries in the wrong direction. He sees it as presently gaining momentum in senior policy levels around the world as global debt problems become more acute.
“A combination of Deliberate Inflation and very low Interest Rates. Interest rates which are kept low by a variety of what are called “Unconventional Monetary Policies“.
“There is talk now of having:
Negative Nominal Rates,
Governments taking over Pension Funds,
Varies ‘privileging’ of government debt as part of bank capital.
..so it (Financial Repression) is a series of interferences in the financial markets by government with the end being to push interest rate lowers so they can inflate away their debt! They do that by having interest rates even lower than the rate of inflation.”
“What Financial Repression does is transfer surreptitiously resources and coming wealth from savers and retirees to the government and its crony banks. I think it exists, it is dangerous and I think many people are being hurt by it!”
Professor Salerno believes the government wants Negative Nominal Rates but as he points out: “The only way they can do that is to lock peoples deposits into the banking system – that is where the War-on-Cash comes in! They would love to restrict or even abolish the use of cash within the United States if they could. That means they would have to use deposits.”
“This is another way of propping up a very unsound and dangerously flawed banking system!”
Professor Salerno has spoken out extensively on this subject, most recently at the Mises Circle event in Stamford, Connecticut
Governments, at least modern western governments, have always hated cash transactions. Cash is private, and cash is hard to tax. So politicians trump up phony reasons like drug trafficking and money laundering to win support for bad laws like the Bank Secrecy Act of 1970, which makes even small cash transactions potentially reportable to the Feds.
Today cash is under attack like never before. Ultra low interest rates are the norm for commercial bank accounts. In Europe, as the ECB ventures into negative nominal interest rates, certain banks threaten to charge customers for depositing cash. Meanwhile, certain European bonds now pay negative yields, effectively turning them into insurance products rather than financial assets. And some economists now call for the outright abolition of cash, which shows just how far some will go in their crazed belief that economic prosperity can be commanded by forcing us to spend rather than save.
The War on Cash is real, and it will intensify.
Both bank deposits and withdrawals of cash are now carefully scrutinized by banks and police agencies across America. Safety deposit boxes are seeing increasing restrictions on what can be held in them in the way of cash. People depositing cash often find themselves facing public asset forfeitures and seizures by the police. In some cases when cleared as being innocent then have serious difficulty in getting their seized assets returned. Professor Salerno expounds on this and other troubling new developments in America.
….there is much, much more in this fact filled 29 minute Video.
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07/04/2015 - The Head of India’s Central Bank: Financial Repression Policy of Devaluation Is Being Used to Hide a Worldwide Depression
The Indian central bank chief who saw the financial crisis coming thinks the world is now facing Great Depression-era problems .. Raghuram Rajan*: “Are we now moving into the territory of trying to produce growth out of nowhere? We are in fact shifting growth from each other, rather than creating growth. Of course, there is past history of this during the Great Depression when we got into competitive devaluation .. We have to become more aware of the spill-over effects of our actions and the rules of the game that we have — of what is allowed and what is not allowed — needs to be revisited.” .. it’s financial repression ..
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07/01/2015 - Mark O’Byrne on Bank Bail-Ins & the Potential Deceptive Defrauding of Depositors
Special Guests: Mark O’Byrne – Founder & Research Director, Goldcore
Mark O’Byrne feels that holding a Degree in Greek and Roman Civilization with a focus on their economic and monetary history. This gives O’Byrne insights into the cyclical nature of societies that few other writers have. It is these insights that Mark shares in this 35 minute video. Bank Bail-Ins are only a modern day indicator of financially collapsing societies. “Unfortunately, we don’t learn the lessons of history to our own downfall!”
“Given the large amount of debt in the world today we are seeing almost ‘anti-free market philosophies’ whereby the governments don’t like price signals and the pricing mechanism, so they are trying to repress this to repress interest rates.”
“By artificially suppressing the pricing mechanism, similar to forcing an inflated beach ball under the water, it will shoot up in another direction and can go in the opposite direction to what is initially intended!”
“We are told Bail-Ins are to protect the taxpayer from the government having to bail-out the banks. But the depositors are the tax payers? Bail-Ins are just to protect the Senior Secured Debt holders!”
This is wrongful deception as people belief their money is safe in the bank It is intended to protect the assets of the Senior Secured Creditors within the banks capital structure. Private individuals and depositors are not holders of Senior Secured Credit to the banks which is strictly the realm of select international banks.
“If you confiscate depositors funds (in a Bail-In) you will cause deflation like you would not believe!”
If you follow Mark O’Byrne’s analysis you quickly realize that Bail-Ins are both economically very dangerous and basically nothing more than regulations to protect elements of the bank financial structure. The question may be: are regulations today to protect tax payers from the banks or to protect the banks from taxpayers (depositors)?
“Maybe today we need to come to the obvious realization that the government is no longer regulating the banks, but rather the banks are regulating the government!” Gordon T Long
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06/27/2015 - Entire Discussion Now Available for FREE – Real Vision TV – THE RESET Watch Raoul Pal & Grant Williams Talk Financial Repression
Global Macro Investor’s Raoul Pal and Vulpes Investment Management’s Grant Williams discuss essentially what we have classified as the 4 pillars of financial repression: repressed interest rates, forced inflation, obfuscation and ring-fencing regulations. The terms they use are a bit different, but the basic concepts are the same.
They discuss the systemic risks to the financial system including the loss of faith in money itself. They explain how massive money printing has distorted financial markets and prices worldwide, especially through the suppression of bond yields by central bank policies.
They also discuss their suggested solutions to investing in this environment – physical gold held outside of the financial system, cryptocurrencies, assets held outside of the concentration of risk in the financial system, investments in the monsoon regions of the world.
This is a fascinating must-watch discussion which will help you understand what is currently happening in the financial markets, the banking system, the investment world and the global economy.
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06/24/2015 - Ronald-Peter Stoeferle – “In GOLD we TRUST” Report
Today, the 2015 edition of the gold report “In Gold We Trust” was launched. It is the 9th edition (read the 2013 and 2014 edition). With a global reach of some 1 million readers, it is probably the most read gold report worldwide. The In Gold We Trust 2015 is written by Ronald Stoeferle. He is the managing partner of a global fund at Incrementum AG in Liechtenstein, focused on the principles of the Austrian school of Economics.
The gold price has stabilized in 2014, after its collapse in April and June of 2013. Investors’ interest in the yellow metal is los. Hence, market sentiment vis-à-vis gold is standing at a multi-year low, maybe even a multi-decade low. History learns that extreme underperformance usually lasts for one year. If history is any guide, than there should be a recovery in the gold price in the foreseeable future. Even with the severe underperformance since 2013, gold is up approximately 9% per year since it started to trade freely in 1971. As seen on the next chart, depending on the currency in which it trades, the average yearly performance is excellent for investors with a long term horizon. In other words, gold does what is always has done throughout history: preserve value and purchasing power.
Preservation of wealth is the primary reason why one should hold gold nowadays. Monetary policies of central banks are extremely unusual. The U.S. Fed could be talking about “normalization,” but with 7 years at zero percent interest rates we are nowhere near “normal” conditions. The most extreme monetary conditions, today, are being seen in Japan. It is really no coincidence that the gold price in Yen is near its all time highs. The gold price in Yen is simply reacting on the extreme expansion of the monetary base by the Japanese central bank. As the next chart shows, the balance sheet of the Bank Of Japan (BOJ) is approximately 65% of the country’s GDP. In other words, the assets that the BOJ is holding nears 2/3 of the total economic output of the country. When compared to other regions, it is clear that is a monstrous amount. It seems that Japan is near its endgame.
One of the “reasons” gold has gotten so little attention in the last two years is that investors have been focused on stock markets around the world. The U.S. stock market has seen a huge rally since October of 2012, European stocks catapulted higher when the European version of QE was announced earlier this year, Japan keeps on making multi-year highs in the wake of an ever expanding monetary policy. Meantime, however, stocks are not cheap anymore. On a historic basis, when expressed in a price/earnings ratio according to the Shiller method, the stock market in the U.S. sits at relatively high levels (although no extremes). Although it is not given that the stock market is about to go south, there always is a possibility that the top is set in which case gold should see positive returns. As the next chart shows, during periods of the worst performance of the S&P 500, stocks and commodities have lost significant value while gold remained steady.
A correction in the stock market is certainly in the cards. Why? Because traditionally the gold/silver ratio is mostly negatively correlated with the S&P 500. In other words, as the gold/silver ratio goes down which means there is a disinflationary environment, stocks come down as well. Over the last 25 years, that correlation has held very well, but started to diverge strongly 3 years ago.
Gold is underperforming in a disinflationary environment. That has been one of the key observations in the last In Gold We Trust reports. There was enough evidence in the datapoints so far, but the most up-to-date chart says it all (see below). While the real rates were standing at -4% in 2011, they have gone up steadily since then, and are again in positive territory this year. The gold price has moved in the opposite direction in that same time period. The In Gold We Trust Report 2015 focuses, among many other things, on the correlation between the gold price and inflation expectations. Gold is an inflation sensitive asset. The U.S. 10-Year real yields provide an indication of inflation expectations. As readers can see, a strong divergence is in place since 2013, arguing for a strong revaluation of the gold price as inflation expectations are in an uptrend since then.
Suppose, however, that inflation expectations will change their trend … would that be bad for precious metals? The answer to that question is to be found in the last chart. During deflationary periods, like the ones starting in 1814 or 1864, the Great Depression of the 30ies or the financial crisis of 2008, gold did remarkably well. It is during those periods of “financial stress” that gold shows its real value, i.e. preserve wealth and provide protection against other assets.
The themes in this years 2015 “In Gold Trust Report” are the real value of gold as a financial asset and the end of gold’s underperformance.
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06/21/2015 - Mike “Mish” Shedlock – What Do the State of Illinois, Chicago, Public Pensions and Greece Have in Common?
Special Guest: Mike “Mish” Shedlock, MICH’S Global Economic Trend Analysis
MISH SHEDLOCK COMES OUT SWINGING ON: State of Illinois, Public Pensions and Greece
STATE OF ILLINOIS & CITY OF CHICAGO –Never Ending Financial Obfuscation
From Seven Illinois cities, to the City of Chicago, to the State of Illinois, Public Pensions are bringing the proud ‘Land of Lincoln’ to its “financial knees”!
Decades of politically expedient l promises and over generous Public Pension concessions to appease powerful public unions have left all levels of government with few financial alternatives. Many are now be forced to consider bankruptcy.
The Fourth Financial Repression Pillar of “Obfuscation” has been the practiced tactic for some time which has camouflaged this cancer. This obfuscation involved many clever accounting games which according to Mish Shedlock:
“Illinois’ Pension Plans are funded on average something like 39% and of course that creates a conflict of interest after judges have ruled on Pension Plans. The courts ruled that a bill Governor Rauner signed is unconstitutional and now sends things back to the drawing board. That (the bill) was supposed to save Illinois about $2B per year. Judges were in on it, Actuaries were in on it, the Rating Agencies – everyone was in on it.”
“Moody’s cut Chicago’s rating to junk. The City of Chicago promptly removed Moody’s from rating its bonds and instead hired another third party to rate its bonds. This is “rate shop whoring” and that is what I call it! The same process goes on with “actuarial whoring” because no city wants to admit that their pensions are as underfunded as they are!”
“Many of the pensions allow workers to retire at 50 after putting in 20 years of service, or whatever the requirement was. What do they do? They retire, collect their pension and then go to work for another government agencies and accrue benefits for yet another pension! – The whole system is untenable!”
“The taxpayers in Cook County are paying 50% of the tax revenues – not for services – instead it goes towards interest and pension obligations!”
SOARING STATE TAXES – Sacrosanct Public Pensions Are Forcing Increased State Taxes
“To shore up Chicago’s Pension System they would have to hike Illinois property taxes by approximately 50%. – My (Mish’s) property taxes are already $14K/year!”
City, Local & Town Taxes in America are about Property Taxes. We can expect to see and explosion going forward in property taxes to pay unfunded public pensions.
Could this be a potential Death Knell For Real Estate Prices?
Could this trigger a collapse in ‘Tax Free’ Muni Bond Values?
GREEK CRISIS HAS COME TO A HEAD – Public Service Pensions A Major Sticking Point
“You have to actually wonder if the Greek Government is giving Greeks time to get their money out of the banks – only the dumb money is now left?”
….and much, much more in this fast paced 30 minute Video
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06/21/2015 - Paul Brodsky Talks Financial Repression
Special Guest: Paul Brodsky – Investment Strategist, Wall Street Veteran
Paul Brodsky introduced himself as a presenter at the Park Plaza Hotel (NYC, NY) to 200 of the world’s largest Institutional Investors from large Sovereign Wealth Funds, Pensions Funds, Endowments and Foundations …. “I’m Paul Brodsky, I’m a Gold Bug!” This not only took guts but serious credibility in front of an audience that doesn’t consider gold in their portfolio allocation decisions. So why would he do this?
Paul had been asked to present the “Case for Gold”. It was 2010 and Gold had just had a run. Though Gold had been the elephant in the room for previous 9 years , Paul surmised the organizers simply felt gold needed some sort of obligatory representation. His presentation focused on the Global Monetary System and sheepishly admits he actually never mentioned the world Gold again! This summarizes the thinking within the community of Global Managers of serious money.
Paul says he felt he got the invitation because of the thrust and struggle of QB Asset Management, the hedge fund he co-founded. It showed in Paul’s writings to QB’s clients while seeking the truth. He sought an understanding of Price and Value (which are often quite different) in addition to Alpha generation for clients.
“Its easy to think there is a grand conspiracy out there is terms of the banking system, the policy makers and politicians in the political dimension. It is very easy to draw lines between all these groups connecting them. I think what we have is a natural set of incentives that are drawn together by how the system works. For example, Politicians usually like to spend money they don’t have and the banking system can let them do that! So it is a very symbiotic relationship – one feeds the other – there is little need that a word be said! There is no back room, smoke filled discussions going on.”
“After the 1971 Nixon Shock, for the first time ever we had a global monetary system where there wasn’t one currency that was ‘hard’ – that is, backed by anything scarce. What that did was make everything relative. It made currencies relative and it made financial assets relative. Ultimately it made performance relative!”
“When everything becomes relative it makes thing very easy for authorities to manage the system because there is no governor on them to bring things back into balance!”
“What was once “the role of the Fed to take away the punch bowl when the party got going”, it was now the Fed that was ‘spiking’ the punch bowl.”
“The system as it is constructed using fractional reserve lending and fractional reserve banking is the real ‘bugaboo’!” Paul is quick to point out there are two sides to this argument. “Yes, the hard money crowd is correct – it has allowed us to spend money beyond what may be considered sound, but also this “funny money” for example helped defeat communism and helped fund the dotcom frenzy which left a technology footprint that may not have occurred as quickly without it.”
“It has been a terrible flowering of baseless credit, debt that has never been extinguished. It may all come down in a Minsky like debt deflation that is ugly – or it may force the Fed and other central banks around the world to create much more base money through QE and other lines of credit that diminishes the value of not only our currency but all others – that gets us back again to relative value and performance!”
“The central banks are devaluing their currencies and devaluing against themselves in a ‘tag team’ manner. They are also devaluing against Production. There used to be only four ways you could get a dollar. You could produce something, you could borrow it, you could reinvest what you had already earned or you could steal it. Now banks can make money out of thin air without any discipline. There is nothing on the other side. Debt is created through the loan process and it never has to be extinquished if the monetary authority doesn’t demand that.”
“We have gone through this great leveraging over the last 35 years. It has been encouraged by Monetary Authorities in the US and elsewhere. Now we are at zero interest rates we can’t refinance ourselves to another round of leveraging. We have to find a new outlet for credit or there is going to be some sort of reconciliation. When you ask about Financial Repression, I think it has been forced on Monetary Authorities (though its their own doing). It had to happen. It is a consequence of the past 35 years.”
“I think they are boxed, as is everyone else (like the IMF) that is involved”
“It is also in China and Russia’s interest to have a baseless currency and even fractional reserve banks. What it does is centralize power to decide what wealth looks like in their nations and economies.”
“My sense is we have to accept that this is the reality. That for the first time ever …. I think there is going to be increasing coordination amongst all sorts of Monetary Authorities and the net loser is going to be the saver or pensioner in real terms. It is not necessarily a negative on equities, real estate or anything that relies on credit. It may be bullish on nominal pricing but bearish on real pricing and value. That is what Financial Repression is bring us.”
…. there is much, much more in this broad ranging 46 minute interview with a very thoughtful and experienced Wall Street insider telling it the way it really is:
Why the death of the infamous Bond Vigilantes occurred and how they got trampled by the Fed,
Why we have had a slow migration from Capital producing economies to Credit producing economies or Financialism,
Why a policy of unsound money has allowed China and Russia to transition to modern societies without becoming militaristic,
Why the global over supply is driving pricing pressures and deflation,
The eermergence of China’s new private mercantilism system,
The political dimension of the $555T global SWAPS market exposure.
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06/20/2015 - How Financial Repression is Making it Difficult to Retire
Charles Hugh Smith & Gordon T Long discuss the unsustainability of pension funds for U.S. public employees, the challenges of ordinary retirees to be able to retire given the financial repression on interest rates & low yields .. while everyone is beginning to agree that most people will not be able to retire, but must keep working, many do not realize that there are already “means-testing” in place for the U.S. social security benefits because if you & your spouse keep working & make at least $44,000 per year, your U.S. social security retirement benefits will be reduced by 85%! .. 26 minutes
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Wall St For Main St interviews financial expert Ed Butowsky created the Chapwood Inflation Index to better accurately measure inflation in the U.S. compared to the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Consumer Price Index (CPI) .. discussion on the problems with the CPI and why it no longer measures inflation accurately .. an example of obfuscation – one of the pillars of financial repression .. 29 minutes
Ed Butowsky: Double Digit Annual Inflation In Many US Cities
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06/16/2015 - Jordan Eliseo Talks: “Dire Straits – Money For Nothing, Debt For Free”
Special Guest: Jordan Eliseo – Chief Economist, ABC Bullion, Australia
“The subsidizing of debtors and the attempt to provide essentially a fake support for asset prices – while punishing savers and mis-allocating capital!”
“In Australia we have some of the highest debt levels in the world. Some people in Australia like Financial Repression because it is making it easier for them to pay off their mortgage (or at least afford their mortgage). The flip side is retirees, or people trying to live off fixed income and the like, are finding life very very difficult now because they have taken a very significant “pay cut” on the income which they were able to earn on the capital that they had been able to save throughout their working lives.”
“Australia is effectively “catching down” to the rest of the world. – it is approximately four to five years behind western word.”
“Australia was incredibly fortunate the first time around to. We had a huge stimulus from China which lead to quite literally an unprecedented boom in capital investment in our mining sector. Trades stayed incredible strong because iron ore, coal prices and even gold was supported from a long time. Also because even at this point Australia has a a government debt level that is still quite manageable”.
“Imbalances have continued to build over this period and now that the mining boom is over, iron ore prices are closer to $60 dollars (not $160) and capital investment is drying up – we are finding we don’t have anything to re-balance to with private debt levels preventing any real pickup in consumer spending in any meaningful way!”
“Australia is about to enter a fairly serious “lull”‘
The next phase in Australia that Jordan Eliseo expects “is where people begin to lose faith with Central Banks and start to more fully appreciate the complete lack of connection of what is going on in the real world / real economy and what is going on in asset / financial markets.”
“I think that when that happens financial markets have a lot of “catching down” to do!”
“The road that the government and central banks have led us down is actually a road that is going in the wrong direction! Standards of living are going to continue to decline as we go down that road and it is going to be a very difficult period for investors and individuals just trying to maintain their standard of living.”
“The end result of current economic policies have caused the disconnection (between Wall Street and Main Street). You can understand the emergency measures that were taken during the financial crisis but all it has done is fuel rampant asset speculation. We haven’t seen any meaningful growth in corporate capital investment or a rise in full time job creation (with a real living wage).”
“If you look at what is happening around the world we are seeing the prioritization of asset speculation over actual investment. It is impacting everyone from individuals, to CEOs, to Boards in making decisions around dividends / stock buybacks versus investing in their own operating businesses!”
“People in Australia on paper are more wealthy because their house price keeps going up, but they have less money to spend because the money they earn on their term deposit & savings continues to decline!”
… and much, much more in this 36 minute VIDEO interview on global macro issues …
Why the Central Bank play book is very clear for investors,
Why we will see a growing appetite for Precious Metals & why it is now imprudent not to acquire some element of precious metals within portfolios,
Why we have $5T in Negative Nominal Sovereign Bonds,
Why Superannuation is the only investment for 22M people in Australia,
Why lower interest rates are ahead for Australia,
Why Financial Diversification. Liquidity and Internationalization have become so important.
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06/15/2015 - Swiss Re Meeting: “Sounding the Alarm on Financial Repression”
Swiss Re video highlights the recent meeting they held with experts voicing concerns about the ongoing use of unconventional policies .. financial repression is causing financial market distortions & poses a serious risk to financial stability .. These unconventional policies have pushed institutional investors into holding government debt. As a result they have less money available for productive investment, such as infrastructure projects .. “It means that there’s a global search for yield. That possibly leads to a misallocation of resources,” says Douglas Flint, Group Chairman of HSBC .. Jean-Claude Trichet, Chairman of the Group of Thirty affirms the risks.
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06/14/2015 - Financial Repression: The War on Cash will Accelerate in the next 6 Months
Greg Hunter interviews Gordon T Long .. “We have run out of runway, but never underestimate the ingenuity of a trapped politician and central bankers to come out with new policies and new ways to extend this. We are going to see some pretty violent volatility and corrections. We are going to be in there guaranteeing collateral because our issue is . . . there is a shortage of collateral. The Fed sucked all of the bonds out of the market. There is a shortage of them. So, we have a major liquidity problem. That’s the runway we are running out of, and flows are starting to slow dramatically. Now, that says it’s getting unstable, but that doesn’t mean the world is coming to an end. It does mean we are going to do something else, and one of those things is negative nominal rates and cashless society. That’s the reason why we are going to have a cashless society. You are going to see this (cashless society idea) accelerate in the next six months.” .. 30 minutes
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06/13/2015 - Austrian School Economist Carl Menger: “Money Emerges from a Free Market Economy, Not From Government Decree” Dr. Joseph Salerno on The War on Cash
“The free market provides the prospect of an escape from the fiscal police state that seeks to stamp out the use of cash [financial repression] through either depreciation of central-bank-issued currency combined with unchanged currency denominations or direct legal limitation on the size of cash transactions. As Carl Menger, the founder of the Austrian School of economics, explained over 140 years ago, money emerges not by government decree but through a market process driven by the actions of individuals who are continually seeking a means to accomplish their goals through exchange most efficiently. Every so often history offers up another example that illustrates Menger’s point. The use of sheep, bottled water, and cigarettes as media of exchange in Iraqi rural villages after the U.S. invasion and collapse of the dinar is one recent example. Another example was Argentina after the collapse of the peso, when grain contracts priced in dollars were regularly exchanged for big-ticket items like automobiles, trucks, and farm equipment. In fact, Argentine farmers began hoarding grain in silos to substitute for holding cash balances in the form of depreciating pesos.” – Dr. Joseph Salerno, The Mises Institute
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