06/09/2015 - Financial Repression Tutorial: It’s about Macro Prudential Policies to Control and Reduce Government Debt

Financial Sense’s Cris Sheridan interviews Gordon T Long* on financial repression .. Gord explains how financial repression is not about conspiracy theories, nor is there some official government policy for financial repression .. it’s happening from macro prudential government policies focused on reducing & controlling government debt .. click on the above chart to enlarge – in the middle you will see the 4 pillars of financial repression – negative interest rates, inflation, ring-fencing regulations & obfuscation .. “Financial repression uses a combination of inflation and government control of interest rates in an environment of capital controls to confiscate the purchasing power of much of the nation’s private savings.” .. discussion on how to protect your investments in such an environment .. 43 minutes podcast .. courtesy thanks to Financial Sense for making this available

LINK HERE to the Podcast


“Financial repression is not a conspiracy theory, it is rather a collective set of macroprudential policies focused on controlling and reducing excessive government debt through 4 pillars – negative interest rates, inflation, ring-fencing regulations and obfuscation – to effectively transfer purchasing power from private savings.” – The Financial Repression Authority

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