Sovereign Man explains how Argentina’s government is bankrupt & has been implementing countless sets of controls including exchange price controls, media controls, exchange controls & capital controls [financial repression] .. “When governments find themselves in financial trouble because of the stupid decisions that they’ve made, their first response is to award themselves even more power to make even stupider decisions. And among the stupidest decisions that any government can make is imposing capital controls .. something that Argentina has in abundance.” .. these capital controls include prohibitions to leave the country with more than U.S.$10,000 in cash & significant paperwork & bureaucracy to wire funds out of the country .. also there is a 30% difference in the official exchange rate with the market exchange rate so that your wired funds leaving the country are effectively 30% less than you think .. “What happens with capital controls: you see a rapid decline in your standard of living as the government traps your savings in a bankrupt system .. It’s like lying on the ground with a blindfold on while the government builds a coffin all around you .. Little by little they fasten together all the sides, and then the top, nail by nail. Capital controls are like a coffin for your savings.”