10/04/2015 - The Financial Repression By The IMF: Risks To Your Investments And Retirement

International asset protection specialist Mark Nestmann does not see free markets – rather he identifies the unintended consequences of financial repression in progress by government authorities & the IMF in particular .. gives the example of what China is doing to prop up the markets now – “Their playbook comes from the International Monetary Fund (IMF), which advises governments to engage in ‘financial repression’ to buoy up global markets. The IMF’s recipe to avoid what former Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke calls ‘chaotic unwinding’ includes bail-ins, higher inflation, negative interest rates, and capital controls. The IMF even proposes a ‘one-off capital levy’ – outright confiscation of private savings – at a rate of 10% or higher. But as world markets have demonstrated over the last few weeks, it doesn’t always work. The cause of this chaotic unwinding is excessive debt combined with leveraged bets financed by more debt.” .. the international economy is beset with massive levels of debt – “collateralized, re-collateralized, hypothecated, and semi-hypothecated. Total world indebtedness now stands close to $200 trillion. That amounts to 286% of the global GDP of $70 trillion.” .. Nestmann says financial repression only works as long as the targets – individuals, families, & businesses – don’t catch on .. Nestmann points out many of the world’s wealthy are investing in real physical assets, no financial assets, stored outside of the banking system & internationally, .. these are assets that cannot be “bailin in, hypothecated, or hyper-hypothecated.”

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