“It was former Ford CEO Mark Fields who said in February 2017 that ‘currency intervention is the mother of all trade barriers.’ The judge of that barrier is now Secretary Ross. Now, if you are certain that the U.S. DOLLAR is heading higher it is time for a reassessment of that trade. As the Chinese said in a white paper last week, YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. It didn’t take long for President Trump to involve himself in the the currency manipulation discussion as he tweeted on Tuesday that ‘the euro and other currencies are devalued against the dollar, putting the U.S. at a big disadvantage. The FED Interest Rate way too high, added to the ridiculous quantitative tightening! They don’t have a clue!’
Consider the DOLLAR has been WEAPONIZED. Make no mistake about it.” – Yra Harris
Notes From Underground: Trump Has Weaponized The Dollar. Do the Longs Know?