08/29/2017 - This Is Not Capitalism – Overregulation, Corporate Bailouts, Manic Money Printing, Artificially Low Interest Rates

“Today, we’re continually reminded that we live under a capitalist system and that it hasn’t worked. The middle class is disappearing, and the cost of goods has become too high to be affordable. There are far more losers than winners, and the greed of big business is destroying the economy. This is what we repeatedly hear from left-leaning people and, in fact, they are correct. They then go on to label these troubles as byproducts of capitalism and use this assumption to argue that capitalism should give way to socialism. In this, however, they are decidedly wrong. These are the byproducts of an increasing level of collectivism and fascism in the economy. In actual fact, few, if any, of these people have ever lived in a capitalist (free-market) society, as it has been legislated out of existence in the former ‘free’ world over the last century .. Years of overregulation, corporate bail outs, manic money printing, and artificially low interest rates, have bloated and warped the economy.” – Jeff Thomas

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