05/28/2017 - Chris Martenson: Non-U.S. Banks Are Being Paid By The U.S. Central Bank

“The Fed is now paying interest on so-called ‘excess reserves’ held at the Fed. Those ‘excess reserves’ include a huge chunk of money held there by foreign banks who are only too happy to receive 1% on their holdings from the Fed given that their own central banks are paying 0%, or even negative rates. The money that the Fed pays these foreign banks is deducted from the amount remitted to the US Treasury at the end of each fiscal year. It’s this simple: foreign banks are being paid billions .. not one single person in the US got to vote for or approve of that action. Let me repeat that: billions and billions .. are being sent to boost the profits of foreign banks. And there’s not a single thing a voting citizen can do about it .. The decision to do this has been made unilaterally by unelected people for reasons they are under no obligation to either share or even have audited by the public. I wonder if Detroit wouldn’t mind getting several billion dollars to use however it wishes, courtesy of the Federal Reserve? Or the permaculture movement? Or jobs training programs?”

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