02/15/2016 - Gordon T Long: The Distorted Yield Curve Is Benefiting Governments, Large Corporations and Big Banks


Wall St for Main St’s Jason Burack interviews Gordon T Long on the negative consequences resulting from cheap credit, global credit cycle tightening, and a distorted yield curve .. a discussion about corporations doing financial engineering to grow earnings without increasing revenues & how leveraged buyouts (LBOs) have exploded since the financial crisis .. Gordon thinks the yield curve has been fully distorted to benefit governments, large corporations, big banks & Wall Street ..  thinks all of this ties into problems in the bond market, negative interest rates & financial repression .. a discussion about the bank stocks collapsing & about a potential stock market crash – Gordon thinks it is likely in the near future & that gold and silver prices have most likely bottomed .. the potential for gold to be confiscated – suggests silver may be safer than gold because governments are less likely to confiscate silver than gold .. Gordon sees an escalating massive tax grab coming  .. 54 minutes

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