09/19/2015 - Financial Repression Results In Mismanagement Of The Economy

Free market economist Richard Ebeling explains how government policies & central banks actions have resulted in mismanagement of the economy & the financial system .. this has resulted in all kinds of price & market distortions & unintended consequences (financial repression) .. “A variety of key interest rates, as a consequence, have, when adjusted for inflation, been in the negative range most of the time for seven years. Nominal and real interest rates, therefore, cannot be considered to be telling anything truthful about the actual availability of savings in the economy and its relationship to market-based profitability of potential investments. Interest rates manipulation has worked similar to a price control keeping the price of a good below its market-determined and clearing level. It has undermined the motives and abilities of some people to save on the supply-side, while distorting demand-side decision-making in terms of both the types and time-horizons of possible investments to undertake, since the real scarcity and cost of borrowing for capital formation has been impossible to realistically estimate and judge in a financial market without market-based interest rates. Markets have been distorted, investment patterns have been given wrong and excessive directions and labor and resources have been misdirected into various employments that will eventually be shown to be unsustainable.” .. Ebeing issues a call to action for monetary freedom & sound money to return .. “A hundred years of central banking in the United States since the establishment of the Federal Reserve System in 1913 has equally demonstrated the inability of monetary central planners to successfully direct the financial and banking affairs of the nation through the tools of monopoly control over the quantity of money and the resulting powerful influence on money’s value and the interest rates at which savers and borrowers interact. It is time for a radical denationalization of money, a privatization of the monetary and banking system through a separation of government from money and all forms of financial intermediation. That is the pathway to ending the cycles of booms and busts, and creating the market-based framework for sustainable economic growth.
It is time for monetary freedom to replace the out-of-date belief in monetary central planning.”

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