In a followup essay from his recent interview on financial repression, Chris Martenson* explains the heart of financial repression as an environment in which you cannot save money without paying a penalty .. emphasizes that central banks & governments are creating conditions of pervasive & unavoidable negative real interest rates which are causing a loss of purchasing power in savings .. “Negative real interest rates transfer money from every saver to every over-extended borrower. This is especially true with the government (largely because of its special revolving door relationship with the Fed, which both issues the money out of thin air and then buys government debt forcing rates into negative territory) .. It’s really that simple. The Fed has openly and actively suppressed rates — not to help the credit markets, as they claim, but to engineer a condition of Financial Repression. Because that’s what the government needs to stealthily take your wealth to pay down the prior debts it accumulated.” .. Martenson references the Carmen Reinhart paper we have frequently referenced also (see link below) & paraphrases the steps detailed for central banks & governments to implement:
Martenson explains how the Federal Reserve & Fed Chair Janet Yellen are implementing these steps.
LINK HERE to the source article