Zero Hedge references the liquidity risks inherent in BlackRock’s & Pimco’s funds in the high-yield & emerging market debt markets .. “By now it is clear to everyone that the force-feeding of free-money into financial markets by The Fed et al. has led to a scale of financial repression never before witnessed as bond yields for even the riskiest of risky names collapse to record lows and cheap-financed share buybacks raise leverage to record highs and support an ever more fragile equity wealth creation machine .. The massive (and likely levered) positions The Fed has forced the world to take on by its repression face a dramatic liquidity risk cost if they are ever to ‘realize’ any gains from the Fed’s handouts (by actually selling) .. BlackRock: ‘The risk posed by investors trying to dump bonds after the raises interest rates is ‘percolating right under’ the noses of regulators.'”