“The G20 Central Bankers and Finance Ministers met in CAIRNS, Australia, Sept 21st, 2014. This Summit reflects the attitudes about manipulating the economy where they just do not get it .. I warned what Obama was up to with the pension funds in trying to create an Infrastructure Fund ….. Calpers,California pension fund, is selling off $4 billion of hedge funds to divert that money to be wasted in Obama’s dream project – the infrastructure fund .. This idea was floated and endorsed at CAIRNS .. These are being called Public Private Partnerships (PPP), and will be extremely critical in the future for here lies the final destruction of the pension funds precisely as Japan bankrupted the Japanese Postal Saving Fund using that private money for political purposes to try to stimulate the economy, which failed. With PPP, public funds will be sold to the public as being a highly professional long-term investment that will further shrink economic growth and liquidity. They cannot possibly work .. How do pension funds make money on repairing infrastructure? Toll booths will pop up everywhere.”
– Martin Armstrong