Austrian School Economist & Director of International Development withEuro Pacific Capital firm Dickson Buchanan compares the relative safety between the so-called safe-haven investments of government bonds versus the “barbarous relic” of gold .. sees the government bond market as being under endless interest rate suppression (financial repression) .. “Today we live in the monetary madhouse erected by our central banks. Distortion and irregularity prevail, not clarity and stability. Instead of private investors looking for win-win profit opportunities in a free market for money and credit, we have central banks using ‘forward guidance’ to dictate where capital should flow. Today’s bond market and the giant balance sheet of the Fed are a direct result of their intervention .. Government debt is simply not a safe play in today’s markets. It’s either speculative or it’s suicidal. On the other hand, there is no speculation about gold. The yellow metal’s value has remained relatively stable for thousands of years without a government’s promise. Gold is no ‘barbarous relic’ – it’s our financial salvation.”